

  • 《侯伯宇科学论文选集》编委会编著 著
  • 出版社: 西安:西北大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787560429748
  • 出版时间:2011
  • 标注页数:666页
  • 文件大小:395MB
  • 文件页数:682页
  • 主题词:理论物理学-文集


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1.局部坐标系中的旋量球函数及算子&侯伯宇 物理学报 19(1963)341—3591

2.Green函数及δ函数的三方向球函数展开式&侯伯宇 物理学报 20(1964)11—1820

3.Orthonormal Bases and Infinitesimal Operators of the Irreducible Representationsof Group Un,&侯伯宇 Scientia Sinica 6(1966)763—77228


5.不可易规范场的规范不变守恒流&侯伯宇 物理学报 26(1977)433—43541

6.各级微扰展开下自发破缺的规范无关性、幺正性及可重整性&侯伯宇 物理学报 26(1977)317—33144

7.The Decomposition and Reduction of Gauge Field and Dual Charged Solution of Abelianizable Field,&Hou Bo-Yu,Duan Yi-Shi,and Ge Mo-Lin,Scientia Sinica 21(1978)446—45659

8.闵空间拓扑非平庸球对称场中零能费米子&侯伯宇,侯伯元 高能物理与核物理 3(1979)697—70770

9.Non-selfdual Instanton of Two Dimensional CP(N)(N≥2)Chiral Theory,&Hou Bo-Yu,Wang Yu-Bin,Hou Bo-Yuan,and Wang Pei Phys.Lett.B 93(1980)415—41881

10.Noether analysis for the hidden symmetry responsible for an infinite set of nonlocal currents,&Hou Bo-Yu,Ge Mo-Lin and Wu Yong-Shi,Phys.Rev.D 24(1981)2238—224485

11.Nonlocal Currents as Noether Currents Due to a Nonlocally Transformed Global Symmetry,&Hou Bo-Yu,Commun.in Theor.Phys.(Beijing,China)1(1982)333—34492

12.The Gyroelectric Ratio of Supersymmetric Monopole Determined by its Structure,&Bo-Yu Hou,Phys.Lett.B 125(1983)389—392104

13.A Correspondence between the δ-Model and the Liouville Model,&H.Bohr,B.Hou,S.Saito,IL Nuovo Cimento A 84(1984)237—248108

14.Some series of infinitely many symmetry generators in symmetric space chiral models,&Bo-yu Hou,J.Math.Phys.25(1984)2325—2330120

15.Gauge Covariant Formulation of Symmetric-Space Fields,&Ling-Lie Chau and Bo-Yu Hou,Phys.Lett.B 145(1984)347—352126

16.The Third Order Cohomology Cycle for Gauge Group and the Anomalous Associative Law for Gauge Transformation,&Hou Bo-yu,Hou Bo-yuan,Chin.Phys.Lett.2(1985)49—52132

17.Cohomology of Gauge Groups and Characteristic of Chern-Simons Type,&GUO Han-ying,HOU Bo-yu,WANG Shi-kun,and WU Ke Commun.in Theor.Phys.(Beijing,China)4(1985)233—251136

18.The Global Topological Meaning of Cocycles in a Gauge Group,&BO-YU HOU,BO-YUAN HOU and PEI WANG,Lett.Math.Phys.11(1986)179—187155

19.Integrability properties of symmetric-space fields reduced from axially symmetric Einstein and Yang-Mills equations,&Ling-Lie Chau,Kuang-Chao Chou,Bo-Yu Hou,Xing-Chang Song,Phys.Rev.D 34(1986)1814—1823164

20.Cohomology in connection space,family index theorem,and Abelian gauge structure,&Bo-Yu Hou and Yao-Zhong Zhang,J.Math.Phy.28(1987)1709—1715174

21.Virasoro Algebra in the Solution Space of Ernest Equation,&BO-YU HOU and WEI LEE,Lett.Math.Phys.13(1987)1—6181

22.Generating functions with the new hidden symmetries for cylindrically Symmetric gravitational fields,&Bo-yu Hou and Wei Li,Class.Quantum Grav.6(1989)163—171187

23.Algebras connected with the Znelliptic solution of Yang-Baxter equation,&Hou Bo-yu,Wei Hua,J.Math.Phys.30(1989)2750—2755196

24.The Riemann-Hilbert transformation for an approach to a representation of the Virasoro group,&Wei Li,Bo-yu Hou,J.Math.Phys.30(1989)1198—1204202

25.Exact solution of the Belavin's Zn×Zn symmetric model,&Bo-Yu HOU,Mu-Lin YAN and Yu-Kui ZHOU,Nucl.Phys.B 324(1989)715—728209

26.Quantum Group Structure in the Unitary Minimal Model,&Bo-Yu HOU,Ding-Ping LIE and Rui-Hong YUE,Phys.Lett.B 229(1989)45—50223

27.The Crossing Matrices of WZW SU(2)Model and Minimal Models with the Quantum 6j Symbols,&Bo-Yu HOU,Kang-Jie SHI,Pei WANG and Rui-Hong YUE,Nucl.Phys.B 345(1990)659—684229

28.Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients,Racah Coefficients and Braiding Fusion of Quantum sl(2)Enveloping Algebra(Ⅰ),&Bo-Yu HOU,Bo-Yuan HOU,Zhong-Qi MA,Commun.Theor.Phys.13(1990)181—198255

29.Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients,Racah Coefficients and Braiding Fusion of Quantum sl(2)Enveloping Algebra(Ⅱ),&Bo-Yu HOU,Bo-Yuan HOU,Zhong-Qi MA,Commun.Theor.Phys.13(1990)341—354273

30.Modular invariance and the Feigin-Fuch representation of characters for SUk(2) wzw and minimal models,&Bo-Yu Hou and Rui-Hong Yue,J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.24(1991)11—21287

31.Sine-Gordon and affine Toda fields as non-conformally constrained WZNW model&Bo-Yu Hou,Liu Chao and Huan-Xiong Yang,Phys.Lett.B 266(1991)353—362298

32.Cyclic representation and function difference representation of the Zn Sklyanin algebra,&Bo-Yu Hou,Kang-Jie Shi and Zhong-Xia Yang,J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.26(1993)4951—4965308

33.Function space representation of the ZnSklyanin algebra,&Bo-yu Hou,Kang-jie Shi,Wen-li Yang and Zhong-xia Yang,Phys.Lett.A 178(1993)73—80323

34.Hamiltonian reductions of self-dual Yang-Mills theory,&Bo-yu Hou and Liu Chao,Phys.Lett.B 298(1993)103—110331

35.Heterotic Toda fields,&Liu Chao,Bo-Yu Hou,Nucl.Phys.B 436(1995)638—658339

36.Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the eight-vertex model with general open boundary conditions,&Heng Fan,Bo-yu Hou,Kang-jie Shi,Zhong-xia Yang,Nucl.Phys.B 478(1996)723—757360

37.An?-deformation of the WN algebra and its vertex operators,&Bo-yu Hou,Wen-li Yang,J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.30(1997)6131—6145395

38.Lagrangian Form of the Self-Dual Equations for SU(N)Gauge Fields on Four-Dimensional Euclidean Space,&HOU Bo-yu,SONG Xing-Chang,Commun.Theor.Phys.29(1998)443—446410

39.?(Yangian)Deformation of the Miura Map and Virasoro Algebra,&XIANG-MAO DING,BO-YU HOU and LIU ZHAO,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 13(1998)1129—1144414

40.Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the supersymmetric t-J model with reflecting boundary conditions,&Heng Fan,Bo-yu Hou,Kang-jie Shi,Nucl.Phys.B 541(1999)483—505429

41.The twisted quantum affine algebra Uq(A2(2))and correlation functions of Izergin-Korepin model,&Bo-Yu Hou,Wen-Li Yang,Yao-Zhong Zhang,Nucl.Phys.B 556(1999)485—504452

42.Impurity of arbitrary spin embed in the 1-D Hubbard model with open boundary conditions,&Bo-yu Hou,Xiao-qiang Xi,Rui-hong Yue,Phys.Lett.A 257(1999)189—194472

43.Elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider and Calogero-Moser Models Represented by Sklyanin Algebra and sl(n)Gaudin Algebra,&Kai CHEN,Heng FAN,Bo-yu HOU,Kang-jie SHI,Wen-li YANG and Rui-hong YUE,Prog.Theor.Phys.Supplement 135(1999)149—165478

44.The dynamical twisting and nondynamical r-matrix structure of the elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider model,&Bo-yu Hou and Wen-li Yang,J.Math.Phys.41(2000)357—369495

45.The Lax pairs for elliptic Cnand BCnRuijsenaars-Schneider models and their spectral eurves,&Kai Chen,Bo-yu Hou and Wen-li Yang,J.Math.Phys.42(2001)4894—4914508

46.Solitons on Noncommutative Orbifold T2/ZN,&BO-YU HOU,KANG-JIE SHI,ZHAN-YING YANG,Lett.Math.Phys.61(2002)205—220529

47.Non-commutative algebra of functions of 4-dimensional quantum Hall droplet,&Yi-Xin Chen,Bo-Yu Hou,Bo-Yuan Hou,Nucl.Phys.B 638(2002)220—242545

48.Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the elliptic quantum group ET,η(sln)and its applications,&B.Y.Hou,R.Sasaki,W.-L.Yang,Nucl.Phys.B 663(2003)467—486568

49.Affine A3(1)N=2 Monopole as the D Module and Affine ADHMN Sheaf,&HOU Bo-Yu and HOU Bo-Yuan,Commun.Theor.Phys.(Beijing,China)49(2008)439—450588

50.Determinant representations of scalar products for the open XXZ chain with non-600

diagonal boundary terms,&Wen-Li Yang,Xi Chen,Jun Feng,Kun Hao,Bo-Yu Hou,Kang-Jie Shi and Yao-Zhong Zhang,Journal ofHigh Energy Physics 01(2011)006600


