病理学彩色图谱 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 徐国成,邱雪杉,韩秋生主编;万小宁等编绘;李会波摄影 著
- 出版社: 沈阳:辽宁科学技术出版社
- ISBN:7538142576
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:130页
- 文件大小:39MB
- 文件页数:146页
- 主题词:病理学-图谱
病理学彩色图谱 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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235.膜性肾小球肾炎(银染色) Membranous glomerulonephritis(Silver stain) 91
237.膜性肾小球肾炎(电镜) Membranous glomerulonephritis(TEM) 91
236.膜性肾小球肾炎(银染色)(高倍) Membranous glomerulonephritis(silver stain)(High power) 91
病理学在医学中的地位 Pathology in medicine2
病理学分支 Branches of pathology3
诊断病理学 Diagnostic pathology4
病理检查报告 Pathologic report5
1.心脏萎缩 Atrophy of heart6
2.心肌萎缩 Atrophy of myocardium6
3.脑压迫性萎缩 Pressure atrophy of brain7
4.肾压迫性萎缩 Pressure atrophy of kidney7
5.心脏肥大 Hypertrophy of heart8
6.心肌肥大 Hypertrophy of myocardium8
7.支气管上皮鳞状化生模式图 Diagram showing bronchial epithelial squamous metaplasia9
8.支气管上皮鳞状化生 Squamous metaplasia of bronchial epithelia9
9.正常气管表面(扫描电镜) Surface of normal trachea(SEM)9
10.气管上皮鳞状化生(扫描电镜) Squamous metaplasia of tracheal epithelia(SEM)9
11.胃黏膜肠上皮化生 Intestinal metaplasia of gastric mucosa10
12.软骨化生 Chondral metaplasia of fibrous tissue10
13.粗面内质网脱颗粒、扩张示意图 Diagram showing degranulation and distention of RER10
14.滑面内质网扩张示意图 Diagram showong distention of SER10
15.线粒体肿胀和无定形电子致密物示意图 Diagram showmg mitochondria swelling and dense particles in matrix11
16.髓鞘样结构形成示意图 Diagram showing formation of myelin figure11
17.髓鞘样结构 Myelin figure(MF)11
20.脂肪肝 Fatty liver12
21.肝脂肪变性 Fatty degeneration of liver12
22.肝脂肪变性苏丹Ⅲ染色 Fatty degeneration of liver stained with Sudan Ⅲ12
19.肾近曲小管水变性 Hydropic degeneration of renal proximal tubule12
18.肝细胞水变性 Hydropic degeneration hepatocyte12
23.左室心肌脂肪浸润 Fatty infiltration of left ventricular myocardium13
24.心肌脂肪浸润 Fatty infiltration of myocardium13
25.虎斑心 Tigroid heart14
26.心肌脂肪变性苏丹Ⅲ染色 Myocardial fatty degeneration stained with Sudan Ⅲ14
27.正常皮肤结缔组织 Connective tissue of normal skin15
28.结缔组织玻璃样变 Hyaline degeneration of connective tissue15
29.胸膜玻璃样变 Hyalinization of pleura15
31.细胞内玻璃样变示意图 Diagram showing intracellular hyalinization16
30.脾中央动脉玻璃样变 Hyalinization of spleen central artery16
32.垂体淀粉样变性 Amyloid degeneration of pituitary gland17
33.肾淀粉样变性 Amyloidosis of kidney17
34.淀粉样物质刚果红染色 Amyloid stained with Congo red17
35.动脉粥样硬化中的黏液样变性 Mycoid degeneration in atherosclerosis18
37.次级溶酶体(吞噬溶酶体 透射电镜) Secondary lysosome(Phagolysosome TEM)18
36.残余体(脂褐素)形成示意图 Diagram showing formation of residual body(lipofuscin)18
38.残余体(透射电镜) Residual bodyies(TEM)19
39.肾小管上皮中的脂褐素 Lipofuscin in renal tubular epithelia19
40.心肌中的脂褐素 Lipofuscin in myocardium19
41.肝组织中的含铁血黄素 Hemosiderin in liver(Hemochromatosis)20
43.肝脏中的胆色素 Bile pigment(Bilirubin)in liver(Obstructive jaundice)20
42.淋巴结中的炭粉尘 Carbon dust in lymph node20
44.肝灶状坏死 Focal necrosis of liver21
45.肾小管上皮细胞坏死 Necrosis of renal tubular epithelia(Corrosive sublimate poisoning)21
46.癌瘤凝固性坏死 Coagulative necrosis of malignant tumor21
47.肝坏死 Necrosis of liver22
48.脑软化 Encephalomalacia22
50.关节软骨坏死 Necrosis of articular cartilage23
51.脂肪坏死 Fatty necrosis23
49.脑液化性坏死 Liquefactive necrosis of brain23
52.手指干性坏疽 Dry gangrene of finger24
53.小肠湿性坏疽 Wet gangrene of small intestine24
54.气性坏疽 Gas gangrene25
55.肝细胞凋亡 Apoptosis of hepatocytes25
56.癌细胞凋亡 Apoptosis of cells of squamous carcinoma25
57.肉芽组织① Granulation tissue①26
58.肉芽组织②(高倍) Granulation tissue②(High power)26
59.局部血流障碍示意图 Diagram showing disturbance of local blood stream26
60.肾间质充血 Hyperemia of kidney27
61.肾小球充血 Hyperemia of renal corpuscle27
62.槟榔肝(淤血肝) Nutmeg liver27
65.慢性肺淤血 Cnronic congestion of lung28
66.心力衰竭细胞 Heart failure cell28
63.慢性肝淤血 Chronic congestion of liver28
64.淤血性肝硬化 Congective cirrhosis of liver28
67.喉水肿 Edema of larynx29
68.肺水肿 Edema of lung29
70.动脉血栓 Thrombus of artery30
69.血栓形成过程示意图 Diagram showing thrombogenesis30
71.静脉血脉 Venous thrombus31
72.白色血栓 White thrombus31
73.血栓再通 Recanalized thrombus within blood vessel31
74.血流淤滞和透明血栓 Blood stasis and hyaline thrombus31
76.肾动脉栓塞示意图 Diagram showing renal arterial embolism32
77.肾梗死模式图 Diagram showing renal infarct32
75.肺动脉栓塞 Pulmonary embolism32
78.肾贫血性梗死 Renal anenic infarct33
79.肾梗死 Infarct of kidney33
80.脾贫血性梗死 Anemic infarct of spleen34
81.脑梗死 Infarct of brain34
82.肺出血性梗死 Hemorrhagic infarct of lung35
83.肺出血性梗死 Hemorrhagic infarct of lung35
84.脑出血 Hemorrhage of brain36
85.血管通透性升高机制示意图 Diagram showing mechanism of vascular permeability increased36
86.白细胞游出过程模式图 Diagram showing exudation of leukocytes37
87.炎性细胞 Inflammatory cells37
90.纤维素性心包炎 Fibrinous pericarditis38
89.皮肤水泡(浆液性炎) Water vacuole of skin(Serous inflammation)38
88.白细胞吞噬细菌示意图 Diagram showing phagocytosis of leukocyte38
92.假膜性炎(咽白喉) Pseudomembranous inflammation(Pharyngeal diphtheria)39
93.白喉假膜 Pseudomembrane in diphtheria39
91.纤维素性心包炎 Fibrinous pericarditis39
95.慢性肝脓肿 Chronic abscess of liver40
96.横纹肌蜂窝织炎 Phlegmonous inflammation of striped muscle40
94.肺脓肿 Abscess of lung40
98.恶性肿瘤细胞的异型性和多形性 Atypia and polymorphysm of malignant tumor cells41
99.淋巴结转移癌(腺癌) Metastatic carcinoma in lymph node(Adenocarcinoma)41
100.淋巴结转移癌(鳞癌) Metastatic carcinoma in lymph node(Squamous carcinoma)41
97.恶性肿瘤细胞的病理性核分裂 Pathalogic mitoses of malignant tumor cells41
101.肺血行转移瘤 Metastatic tomor in lung by blood stream42
102.皮肤鳞状上皮乳头状瘤 Squamous epithelial papilloma of skin42
103.鳞状上皮乳头状瘤模式图 Diagram showing squamous epithelial papilloma43
104.大肠息肉状腺瘤(腺瘤性息肉)模式图 Diagram showing polypoid adenoma(adenoid polyp)of large intestine43
107.鳞状细胞癌 Squamous cell carcinoma44
106.皮肤癌 Carcinoma of skin44
105.大肠腺瘤 Adenoma of large intestine44
108.结肠癌(溃疡型) Carcinoma of colon(Ucerative form)45
109.结肠癌(结节型) Carcinoma of colon(Massive form)45
110.腺癌 Adenocarcinom46
112.印戒细胞癌 Signet-ring cell carcinoma46
111.黏液腺癌 Mucous adenocarcinoma46
113.印戒细胞癌(高倍) Signet-ring cell carcinoma(High power)46
114.浆液性囊腺瘤 Serous cystadenoma47
115.黏液性囊腺瘤 Mucous cystadenoma47
118.浆液性乳头状囊腺癌 Serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma48
117.浆液性乳头状囊腺癌 Serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma48
116.黏液性囊腺瘤 Mucous cystadenoma48
119.囊性畸胎瘤(皮样囊肿) Cytic teratoma(Dermoid cyst)49
120.皮样囊肿① Dermoid cyst①49
121.皮样囊肿② Dermoid cyst②49
122.皮样囊肿③ Dermoid cyst③50
124.纤维瘤 Fibroma50
123.纤维瘤 Fibroma50
125.纤维肉瘤 Fibrosarcoma51
126.子宫平滑肌瘤 Leiomyoma of ulerus51
127.平滑肌瘤 Leiomyoma51
128.平滑肌肉瘤 Leiomyosarcoma52
130.脂肪瘤 Lipoma52
129.小肠脂肪瘤 Lipoma of small intestine52
131.毛细血管瘤 Capillary hemangioma53
132.海绵状血管瘤 Cavernous hemagioma53
133.神经鞘瘤 Neurinoma53
135.非Hodgkin恶性淋巴瘤 Non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma54
136.Hodgkin病 Hodgkin disease54
134.黑色素瘤 Melanoma54
139.骨肉瘤 Osteosarcoma55
138.骨肉瘤① Osteosarcoma①55
137.骨巨细胞瘤 Giant cell tunor of bone55
140.骨肉瘤② Osteosarcoma②56
141.软骨瘤 Chondroma56
142.软骨肉瘤 Chondrosarcoma56
143.造釉细胞瘤 Ameloblastoma57
144.鼻息肉 Nasal polyp57
145.鼻咽癌:泡状核细胞癌 Nasapharyngeal carcinoma:bubble nucleas cell carcinona57
146.泡状核细胞癌(高倍) Bubble nuclear cell carcinoma(High power)57
147.声带息肉 Polyp of vocal cord58
148.声带息肉(血管型) Polyp of vocal cord(Blood vascular type)58
149.视网膜母细胞瘤 Retinoblastoma58
150.视网膜母细胞瘤 Retinoblastoma58
151.动脉粥样硬化及其并发症示意图 Diagrarm showing atherosclerosis and its complications60
153.动脉粥样硬化斑块 Atherosclerotic plaques60
152.动脉粥样硬化脂纹 Fatty streaks of atherosclerosis of aorta60
156.动脉粥样硬化① Atherosclerosis①61
155.动脉粥样斑块 Atherosclerotic plaque61
154.动脉粥样硬化斑块溃疡 Ulcer of atherosclerotic plaque61
157.动脉粥样硬化② Atherosclerosis②62
158.脑底动脉粥样硬化 Atherosclerosis at base of brain62
159.脑梗死(脑软化) Infarct of brain(Cerebral malacia)62
160.动脉粥样硬化性固缩肾 Atheroslerotic contracted kidney63
161.冠状动脉粥样硬化合并斑块内出血 Coronary atherosclerosis with hemorrhage in plaque63
162.心肌梗死 Myocardiac infarct63
163.心肌梗死 Myocardiac infarct64
164.心肌纤维化 Myocardiac fibrosis64
165.高血压病和其合并症示意图 Diagram showing primary hypertension and its complications64
166.高血压性心脏病 Hypertensive heart disease65
167.脑出血 Hemorrhage of brain65
168.细动脉性硬化肾 Arteriolar nephrosclerosis66
170.高血压病肾② Kidney of hypertension②66
169.高血压病肾① Kidney of hypertension①66
172.风湿性心肌炎 Rheumatic myocarditis67
171.风湿病的器官病变示意图 Diagram showing rheumatic organic lesions67
173.风湿性急性疣状心内膜炎 Rheumatic acute verrucous endocarditis67
174.风湿性急性疣状心内膜炎 Rheumatic acute verrucous endocarditis68
175.风湿性心包炎(绒毛心) Rheumatic pericarditis(cor villosum)68
176.二尖瓣狭窄和关闭不全 Mitral stenosis and insufficiency68
179.大叶性肺炎病变分期模式图 Diagram showing pathologic stages of lobar pneumonia69
178.亚急性细菌性心内膜炎 Subacute bacterial endocarditis69
177.细菌性心内膜炎 Bacterial endocarditis69
180.大叶性肺炎,红肝样变期 Lobar pneumonia,stage of red hepatization70
181.大叶性肺炎,灰肝样变期 Lobar pneumonia,stage of gray hepatization70
182.大叶性肺炎,溶解消散期 Lobar pneumonia,stage of solution70
183.肺肉质变 Pulmonary carnification70
184.大叶性肺炎红肝样变期 Lobar pneumonia,stage of red hepatization71
185.大叶性肺炎灰肝样变期 Lobar pneumonia,stage of gray hepatization71
186.小叶性肺炎 Lobular pneumonia72
187.小叶性肺炎 Lobular pneumonia72
188.阻塞性肺气肿(全腺泡型) Obstructive emphysema(Panacinar)73
189.支气管扩张症 Bronchiectasis73
190.硅肺硅结节 Silicotic nodule74
191.肺石棉沉着症 Asbestosis of lung74
192.肺癌(周边型) Lung carcinoma(Peripheral type)74
193.肺癌(中心型) Lung carcinoma(central type)75
194.肺小细胞癌 small cell carcinoma of lung75
195.肺癌扩散示意图 Diagram showing spread of lung carcinoma76
196.慢性胃溃疡 Chronic gastric ulcer76
197.慢性胃溃疡 Chronic gastric ulcer77
199.十二指肠溃疡 Duodenal ulcer77
198.慢性胃溃疡底部 Ground of chronic ulcer77
201.息肉型胃癌 Polypoid type of gastric carcinoma78
200.溃疡型胃癌 Ulcerative type of gastric carcinoma78
202.弥漫浸润型胃癌(革囊胃) Diffuse invasive type of gastric carcinoma(Linitis plastica)79
203.胃腺癌 Adenocarcinoma of stomach79
204.食管癌 Carcinoma of esophagus80
205.早期食管癌 Carcinoma of esophagus in early stage80
206.急性化脓性阑尾炎 Acute suppurative appendicitis81
207.急性蜂窝织炎性阑尾炎 Acute phlegmonous appendicitis81
208.急性病毒性肝炎,轻型 Acute viral hepatitis,mild type82
209.急性病毒性肝炎,轻型(高倍) Acute viral hepatitis,mild type(High power)82
210.慢性病毒性肝炎,中度 Chronic vital hepatitis,middle degreen82
211.亚急性重型肝炎 Subacute severe hipatitis82
of hepatic failure in liver cirrhosis83
of portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis83
213.肝硬化的门脉高压临床表现示意图 Diagram showing clinic features83
212.肝硬化肝功障碍临床表现示意图 Diagram showing clinic features83
214.门脉性肝硬化 Portal cirrhosis84
215.门脉性肝硬化(局部) Portal cirrhosis(Part)84
218.坏死后性肝硬化 Postnecrotic cirrhosis85
217.门脉性肝硬化(Mallory染色) Portal cirrhosis(Mallory stain)85
216.门脉性肝硬化 Portal cirrhosis85
219.坏死后性肝硬化 Postnecrotic cirrhosis86
220.坏死后性肝硬化(高倍) Postnecrotic cirrhosis(High power)86
221.肝硬化的脾肿大 Splenomegaly in liver cirrhosis86
222.肝硬化的脾肿大 Splenomegaly in liver cirrhosis87
223.食管静脉曲张 Esophageal varices87
224.原发性肝癌(巨块型) Primary carcinoma of liver(Massive form)88
225.原发性肝癌(多结节型) Primary carcinoma of liver(Multiple nodular form)88
226.肝细胞癌 Hepatocellular carcinoma88
227.肝细胞癌(高倍) Hepatocellular carcinoma(High power)88
228.肾小球病变分布示意图 Diagram showing distribution of pathologic renal corpuscles89
229.急性弥漫性增生性肾小球肾炎 Acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis89
233.快速进行性肾小球肾炎(高倍) Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis(High power)90
232.快速进行性肾小球肾炎 Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis90
23 1.急性弥漫性增生性肾小球肾炎(电镜) Acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis(TEM)90
230.急性弥漫性增生性肾小球肾炎 Acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis90
234.膜性肾小球肾炎(PAS染色) Membranous glomerulonephritis(PAS stain)91
238.局灶性节段性肾小球肾炎(PAS染色) Focal segmental glomerulonephritis(PAS stain)92
239.慢性肾小球肾炎 Chronic glomerulonephritis92
240.慢性硬化性肾小球肾炎① Chronic sclerosing glomerulonephritis①92
242.急性肾盂肾炎 Acate pyelonephritis93
243.急性肾盂肾炎① Acute pyelonephritis①93
241.慢性硬化性肾小球肾炎② Chronic sclerosing glomerulonephritis②93
244.急性肾盂肾炎② Acute pyelonephritis②94
245.慢性肾盂肾炎① Chronic pyelonephritis①94
246.慢性肾盂肾炎② Chronic pyelonephritis②94
247.慢性肾盂肾炎 Chronic pyelonephritis95
248.尿毒症的并发症示意图 Diagram showing complications of uremia95
249.尿毒症性肺炎 Uremic pneumonia95
250.肾癌 Renal carcinoma96
251.肾透明细胞癌 Renal clear cell carcinoma96
252.肾透明细胞癌(高倍) Renal clear cell carcinoma(High power)96
254.膀胱移行细胞癌(Ⅰ级) Transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder(Grade Ⅰ)97
255.膀胱移行细胞癌(Ⅲ 级) Transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder(Grade Ⅲ)97
253.膀胱癌 Carcinoma of urinary bladder97
256.慢性子宫颈炎伴有潴留囊肿 Chronic cervicitis with Nabothian cyst98
257.子宫颈糜烂 Cervical erosion98
258.宫颈非典型增生和原位癌 Atypical hyperplasia and carcinoma in situ of cervix98
259.子宫颈微小浸润性鳞状细胞癌 Microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma of cervix98
260.宫颈癌 Cervical carcinoma99
261.子宫体癌 Carcinoma of uterine body99
262.葡萄胎 Hydatidiform mole100
263.完全性葡萄胎 Complete hydatidiform mole100
265.绒毛膜癌 Choriocarcinoma101
264.绒毛膜癌 Choriocarcinoma101
266.绒癌肺内栓塞 Embolism of choriocarcinoma in lung102
267.绒癌肺转移 Metastasis of choriocarcinoma in lung102
268.卵巢浆液性囊腺瘤 Serous cystadenoma of ovary102
269.卵巢黏液性囊腺瘤 Mucinous cystadenoma of ovary103
270.卵巢颗粒细胞瘤 Granulosa cell tumor of ovary103
271.前列腺增生 Hyperplasia of prostate103
272.前列腺增生 Hyperplasia of prostate103
273.乳腺纤维腺瘤 Fibroadenoma of breast104
274.乳腺纤维腺瘤 Fibroadenoma of breast104
276.乳腺浸润性导管癌(单纯癌) Invasive ductal carcinoma of breast(Simple carcinoma)105
275.乳腺癌 Carcinoma of breast105
277.乳腺浸润性导管癌(硬癌) Invasive ductal carcinoma of breast(Scirrhous carcinoma)106
278.乳腺浸润性小叶癌 Invasive Iobular carcinoma of breast106
279.乳腺髓样癌 Medullary carcinoma of breast106
280.乳头Paget病 Paget disease of nipple107
281.结节性甲状腺肿 Nodular goiter107
282.结节性甲状腺肿 Nodular goiter108
283.毒性甲状腺肿 Toxic goiter108
284.毒性甲状腺肿(高倍) Toxic goiter(High power)108
287.甲状腺乳头状癌 Thyroid papillary carcinoma109
286.甲状腺胶样腺瘤 Thyroid colloid adenoma109
285.甲状腺胎儿型腺瘤 Thyroid fetal adenoma109
288.化脓性脑膜炎(由脑膜炎球菌引起) Suppurative meningitis(by meningococci)110
289.化脓性脑膜炎 Suppurative meningitis110
290.肾上腺出血 Hemorrhage of adrenal gland111
291.流行性乙型脑炎① Epidemic encephalitis B①111
292.流行性乙型脑炎② Epidemic encephalitis B②111
293.流行性乙型脑炎③ Epidemic encephalitis B③112
294.脑星形胶质细胞瘤 Astrocytoma of brain112
295.间变性星形胶质细胞瘤 Anaplastic astrocytoma112
297.少突胶质细胞瘤 Oligodendroglioma113
298.髓母细胞瘤 Medulloblastoma113
296.多形性胶质母细胞瘤 Glioblastoma multiforme113
299.脑膜瘤 Meningioma114
300.脑膜瘤 Meningioma114
301.结核结节 Tubercle115
302.干酪样坏死 Caseous necrosis115
303.干酪样坏死(肺结核) Caseous necrosis(Tuberculosis of lung)116
304.肺原发综合征 Primary complex of lung116
305.原发性肺结核原发灶 Ghon focus of primary complex117
306.原发性肺结核的播散示意图 Diagram showing spread of primary pulmonary tuberculosis117
308.急性肺粟粒性结核病② Acute pulmonary miliary tuberculosis②118
307.急性肺粟粒性结核病① Acute pulmonary miliary tuberculosis①118
309.急性肺粟粒性结核病 Acute pulmonary miliary tuberculosis119
310.浸润型肺结核的进展示意图 Diagram showing progression of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis119
3 1 1.浸润型肺结核空洞形成 Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis with cavitation120
312.慢性纤维空洞型肺结核 Chronic fibro-cavitative pulmonary tuberculosis120
313.肺结核球 Pulmonary tubeculoma121
314.结核性脑膜炎 Tuberculous meningitis121
315.结核性脑膜炎 Tuberculous meningitis122
316.肾结核 Tuberculosis of kidney122
317.肾结核 Tuberculosis of kidney122
320.骨结核 Tuberculosis of bone123
319.骨关节结核 Tuberculosis of bone and joint123
318.肠结核(溃疡型) Intestinal tuberculosis(Ulcerative form)123
321.伤寒(髓样肿胀期) Typhoid fever(stage of medullary swelling)124
322.伤寒(坏死期) Typhoid fever(Stage of necrosis)124
323.伤寒(溃疡期) Typhoid fever(Stage of ulceration)125
324.伤寒肠道淋巴小结病变分期示意图 Diagram showing stages125
of lymphatic follicles lesions of intestinae of typhoid fever125
325.伤寒(肉芽肿) Typhoid fever(Granuloma)126
326.伤寒淋巴结 Lymph node of typhoid fever126
327.伤寒肠病变与临床表现的关系 Diagram showing relation between intestinal lesions126
and clinic manifestations of typhoid fever126
330.Ⅰ期梅毒:硬性下疳 Syphilis stage Ⅰ:hatd chancre127
331.硬性下疳 Hard chancre127
328.尖锐湿疣 Condyloma acuminatum127
329.凹空细胞 Koilocyte127
332.Ⅲ期梅毒:梅毒性主动脉炎和梅毒性心脏病 Syphilis stage Ⅲ:Syphilitic aortitis128
with syphilitic cardiopathy128
333.Ⅲ期梅毒:肝树胶样肿 Syphilis stage Ⅲ:liver gumma128
334.梅毒螺旋体 Spirochaeta pallida129
335.艾滋病淋巴结① Lymph node of AIDS①129
336.艾滋病淋巴结② Lymph node of AIDS②129
337.艾滋病淋巴结③ Lymph node of AIDS③129
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