
生物技术与生物工程概论 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

生物技术与生物工程概论 英文
  • WilliamJ.ThiemanandMichaelA.Palladino著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030317599
  • 出版时间:2011
  • 标注页数:385页
  • 文件大小:183MB
  • 文件页数:402页
  • 主题词:生物工程-教材-英文


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1 The Biotechnology Century and Its Workforce1

1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It Mean to You?2

A Brief History of Biotechnology2

Biotechnology:A Science of Many Disciplines5

Products of Modern Biotechnology6

Ethics and Biotechnology8

1.2 Types of Biotechnology8

Microbial Biotechnology8

Agricultural Biotechnology8

Animal Biotechnology10

Forensic Biotechnology10


Aquatic Biotechnology12

Medical Biotechnology12

Regulatory Biotechnology13

The Biotechnology"Big Picture"13

1.3 Biological Challenges of the 21st Century14

What Will the New Biotechnology Century Look Like?14

A Scenario in the Future:How Might We Benefit from the Human Genome Project?14

1.4 The Biotechnology Workforce18

The Business of Biotechnology19

Organization of a Biotechnology Company19

Jobs in Biotechnology20

Salaries in Biotechnology23

Hiring Trends in the Biotechnology Industry24


References and Further Reading25

2 An Tntroduction to Genes and Genomes26

2.1 A Review of Cell Structure27

Prokaryotic Cells27

Eukaryotic Cells28

2.2 The Molecule of Life30

Evidence That DNA Is the Inherited Genetic Material30

DNA Structure32

What Is a Gene?33

2.3 Chromosome Structure, DNA Replication,and Genomes33

Chromosome Structure34

DNA Replication37

What Is a Genome?38

2.4 RNA and Protein Synthesis39

Copying the Code:Transcription40

Translating the Code:Protein Synthesis43

Basics of Gene Expression Control46

2.5 Mutations:Causes and Consequences51

Types of Mutations51

Mutations Can Be Inherited or Acquired53

Mutations Are the Basis of Variation in Genomes and a Cause of Human Genetic Diseases54


References and Further Reading56

3 Recombinant DNA Technology and Genomics57

3.1 Introduction to Recombinant DNA Technology and DNA Cloning58

Restriction Enzymes and Plasmid DNA Vectors58

Transformation of Bacterial Cells and Antibiotic Selection of Recombinant Bacteria61

Introduction to Human Gene Cloning63

3.2 What Makes a Good Vector?65

Practical Features of DNA Cloning Vectors65

Types of Vectors66

3.3 How Do You Identify and Clone a Gene of Interest?68

Creating DNA Libraries:Building a Collection of Cloned Genes68

Polymerase Chain Reaction71

3.4 What Can You Do With a Cloned Gene?Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology75

Gel Electrophoresis and Mapping Gene Structure with Restriction Enzymes75

DNA Sequencing78

Chromosomal Location and Gene Copy Number80

Studying Gene Expression81

Northern Blot Analysis82

3.5 Genomics and Bioinformatics:Hot New Areas of Biotechnology87

Bioinformatics:Merging Molecular Biology with Computing Technology87

Examples of Bioinformatics in Action87

A Genome Cloning Effort of Epic Proportion:The Human Genome Project89

What Have We Learned from the Human Genome?90

The Human Genome Project Started an"Omics"Revolution92

Comparative Genomics92

Stone Age Genomics93


References and Further Reading95

4 Proteins as Products97

4.1 Introduction to Proteins as Biotech Products98

4.2 Proteins as Biotechnology Products98

Making a Biotech Drug99

Medical Applications100

Food Processing100

Textiles and Leather Goods101


Paper Manufacturing and Recycling101

Adhesives:Natural Glues101

Bioremediation:Treating Pollution with Proteins102

4.3 Protein Structures102

Structural Arrangement102

Protein Folding103


Protein Engineering104

4.4 Protein Production106

Protein Expression:The First Phase in Protein Processing107

4.5 Protein Purification Methods109

Preparing the Extract for Purification109

Stabilizing the Proteins in Solution109

Separating the Components in the Extract110

4.6 Verification114

4.7 Preserving Proteins115

4.8 Scale-up of Protein Purification116

4.9 Postpurification Analysis Methods116

Protein Sequencing116

X-ray Crystallography116

4.10 Proteomics117


References and Further Reading118

5 Microbial Biotechnology119

5.1 The Structure of Microbes120

Yeast Are Important Microbes Too121

5.2 Microorganisms as Tools122

Microbial Enzymes123

Bacterial Transformation123


Cloning and Expression Techniques125

5.3 Using Microbes for a Variety of Everyday Applications127

Food Products127

Therapeutic Proteins131

Using Microbes Against Other Microbes131

Field Applications of Recombinant Microorganisms134

5.4 Vaccines135

A Primer on Antibodies136

How Are Vaccines Made?137

Bacterial and Viral Targets for Vaccines139

5.5 Microbial Genomes141

Why Sequence Microbial Genomes?141

Microbial Genome Sequencing Strategies142

Selected Genomes Sequenced to Date142

SorcererⅡ:Traversing the Globe to Sequence Microbial Genomes143

Viral Genomics144

Assembling Genomes to Produce Human-Made Viruses145

5.6 Microbial Diagnostics145

Bacterial Detection Strategies145

Tracking Disease-Causing Microorganisms147

Microarrays for Tracking Contagious Diseases147

5.7 Combating Bioterrorism148

Microbes as Bioweapons149

Targets of Bioterrorism150

Using Biotechnology Against Bioweapons151


References and Further Reading154

6 Plant Biotechnology155

6.1 Agriculture:The Next Revolution156

6.2 Methods Used in Plant Transgenesis157

Conventional Selective Breeding and Hybridization157

Cloning:Growing Plants from Single Cells157

Protoplast Fusion157

Leaf Fragment Technique158

Gene Guns158

Chloroplast Engineering159

Antisense Technology159

6.3 Practical Applications in the Field161

Vaccines for Plants161

Genetic Pesticides:A Safer Alternative?162

Safe Storage163

Herbicide Resistance163

Stronger Fibers163

Enhanced Nutrition164

The Future:From Pharmaceuticals to Fuel164

Metabolic Engineering166

6.4 Health and Environmental Concerns167

Concerns About Human Health168

Concerns About the Environment168



References and Further Reading170

7 Animal Biotechnology171

7.1 Introduction to Animal Biotechnology172

7.2 Animals in Research172

Animal Models172

Alternatives to Animal Models174

Regulation of Animal Research175

Veterinary Medicine as Clinical Trials176

Bioengineering Mosquitoes to Prevent Malaria177

7.3 Clones177

Creating Dolly:A Breakthrough in Cloning177

The Limits to Cloning178

The Future of Cloning179

7.4 Transgenic Animals180

Transgenic Techniques180

Improving Agricultural Products with Transgenics181

Transgenic Animals as Bioreactors183

Knockouts:A Special Case of Transgenics184

7.5 Producing Human Antibodies in Animals186

Monoclonal Antibodies186

Eggs as Antibody Factories188


References and Further Reading189

8 DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Analysis190

8.1 Introduction to DNA Fingerprinting and Forensics191

8.2 What Is a DNA Fingerprint?191

How Is DNA Typing Performed?191

8.3 Preparing a DNA Fingerprint192

Specimen Collection192

Extracting DNA for Analysis193

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism(RFLP)Analysis193

The Southern Blot Technique193

PCR and DNA Amplification196

Dot Blot(or Slot Blot)Analysis196

STR Analysis196

8.4 Putting DNA to Use196

The Narborough Village Murders197

The Forest Hills Rapist197

Terrorism and Natural Disasters Force Development of New Technologies199

8.5 DNA and the Rules of Evidence200

DNA Fingerprinting and the Simpson and Goldman Murders201

Human Error and Sources of Contamination201

DNA and Juries202

8.6 Familial Relationships and DNA Profiles202

Mitochondrial DNA Analysis202

Y-Chromosome Analysis203

8.7 Nonhuman DNA Analysis204

DNA Tagging to Fight Fraud206


References and Further Reading207

9 Bioremediation208

9.1 What Is Bioremediation?209

Why Is Bioremediation Important?209

9.2 Bioremediation Basics210

What Needs to Be Cleaned Up?210

Chemicals in the Environment211

Fundamentals of Cleanup Reactions211

The Players:Metabolizing Microbes213

Bioremediation Genomics Programs215

9.3 Cleanup Sites and Strategies217

Soil Cleanup217

Bioremediation of Water218

Turning Wastes into Energy220

9.4 Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment222

Petroleum-Eating Bacteria222

Engineering E.coli to Clean Up Heavy Metals223


Genetically Modified Plants and Phytoremediation224

9.5 Environmental Disasters:Case Studies in Bioremediation225

Jet Fuel and Hanahan,South Carolina225

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill225

Oil Fields of Kuwait226

9.6 Future Strategies and Challenges for Bioremediation227

Recovering Valuable Metals228

Bioremediation of Radioactive Wastes229


References and Further Reading230

10 Aquatic Biotechnology231

10.1 Introduction to Aquatic Biotechnology232

10.2 Aquaculture:Increasing the World's Food Supply Through Biotechnology232

The Economics of Aquaculture232

Fish Farming Practices235

Improving Strains for Aquaculture238

Enhancing Seafood Quality and Safety239

Barriers and Limitations to Aquaculture239

The Future of Aquaculture242

10.3 Molecular Genetics of Aquatic Organisms242

Discovery and Cloning of Novel Genes242

Genetic Manipulations of Finfish and Shellfish247

10.4 Medical Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology251

Drugs and Medicines from the Sea251

Monitoring Health and Human Disease254

10.5 Nonmedical Products254

A Potpourri of Products254

Biomass and Bioprocessing255

10.6 Environmental Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology256

Antifouling Agents256


Environmental Remediation257


References and Further Reading259

11 Medical Biotechnology260

11.1 The Power of Molecular Biology:Detecting and Diagnosing Human Disease Conditions261

Models of Human Disease261

Biomarkers for Disease Detection263

Detecting Genetic Diseases263

11.2 Medical Products and Applications of Biotechnology268

The Search for New Medicines and Drugs269

Artificial Blood273

Vaccines and Therapeutic Antibodies273

11.3 Gene Therapy275

How Is It Done?275

Curing Genetic Diseases:Targets for Gene Therapy279

Challenges Facing Gene Therapy281

11.4 The Potential of Regenerative Medicine282

Cell and Tissue Transplantation282

Tissue Engineering285

Stem Cell Technologies287


Embryonic Stem Cell and Therapeutic Cloning Regulations in the United States297

11.5 The Human Genome Project Has Revealed Disease Genes on All Human Chromosomes298

Piecing Together the Human Genome Puzzle298


References and Further Reading303

12 Biotechnology Regulations305

12.1 The Regulatory Framework306

12.2 U.S.Department of Agriculture308

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service308

Permitting Process308

The APHIS Investigative Process308

The Notification Process309

1 2.3 The Environmental Protection Agency309

Experimental Use Permits309

The First Experimental Use Permit309

Deregulation and Commercialization310

12.4 Food and Drug Administration311

Food and Food Additives311

The Drug Approval Process311

Good Laboratory(GLP),Clinical(GCP),and Manufacturing(GMP)Practices312

Phase Testing of Drugs312

Faster Drug Approval versus Public Safety313

12.5 Legislation and Regulation:The Ongoing Role of Government314

Labeling Biotechnology Products316

The Fluvirin Failure316

12.6 Introduction to Patents317

The Value of Patents in the Biotechnology Industry318

Patenting DNA Sequences319

12.7 Biotechnology Products in the Global Marketplace321


References and Further Reading323

13 Ethics and Biotechnology324

13.1 What Is Ethics?325

Approaches to Ethical Decision Making325

Ethical Exercise Warm-Up326

13.2 Biotechnology and Nature327

Cells and Products328

GM Crops:Are You What You Eat?328

Animal Husbandry or Animal Tinkering?331

The Human Question332

What Does It Mean to Be Human?333

Spare Embryos for Research Versus Creating Embryos for Research335


Patient Rights and Biological Materials337

Regulations in Flux338

Your Genes,Your Self338

More or Less Human?339

13.3 Economics,the Role of Science,and Communication340


References and Further Reading343
