莎士比亚十四行诗 英汉对照【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (英)莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)著;王勇译 著
- 出版社: 哈尔滨:哈尔滨出版社
- ISBN:7806990704
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:231页
- 文件大小:6MB
- 文件页数:243页
- 主题词:短篇小说
莎士比亚十四行诗 英汉对照PDF格式电子书版下载
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sonnet 1-From fairest creatures2
sonnet 3-Look in thy glass and4
sonnet 5-Those hours,that with6
sonnet 6-Then let not winter's8
sonnet 7-Lo!in the orient when10
sonnet 8-Music to hear,why12
sonnet 12-When I do count the14
sonnet 16-But wherefore do not16
sonnet 18-Shall I compare thee18
sonnet 20-A woman's face with20
sonnet 22-My glass shall not22
sonnet 24-Mine eye hath play'd24
sonnet 25-Let those who are in26
sonnet 26-Lord of my love,to28
sonnet 27-Weary with toil,I haste30
sonnet 28-How can I then return32
sonnet 30-When to the sessions of34
sonnet 31-Thy bosom is endeared36
sonnet 32-If thou survive my38
sonnet 33-Full many a glorious40
sonnet 36-Let me confess that we42
sonnet 37-As a decrepit father44
sonnet 38-How can my muse want46
sonnet 39-O!how thy worth with48
sonnet 40-Take all my loves,my50
sonnet 41-Those pretty wrongs that52
sonnet 42-That thou hast her it is54
sonnet 43-When most I wink,then56
sonnet 46-Mine eye and heart58
sonnet 47-Betwixt mine eye and heart60
sonnet 49-Against that time,if ever62
sonnet 50-How heavy do I journey64
sonnet 51-Thus can my love excuse66
sonnet 52-So am I as the rich,whose68
sonnet 53-What is your substance,whereof70
sonnet 56-Sweet love,renew thy force72
sonnet 57-Being your slave what should74
sonnet 58-That god forbid,that made me76
sonnet 59-If there be nothing new,but78
sonnet 60-Like as the waves make towards80
sonnet 61-Is it thy will,thy image should82
sonnet 62-Sin of self-love possesseth all84
sonnet 63-Against my love shall be as86
sonnet 64-When I have seen by Time's88
sonnet 66-Tired with all these,for restful90
sonnet 67-Ah!wherefore with infection92
sonnet 68-Thus is his cheek the map94
sonnet 69-Those parts of thee that the96
sonnet 70-That thou art blamed shall98
sonnet 71-No longer mourn for me100
sonnet 72-O!lest the world should102
sonnet 73-That time of year thou mayst104
sonnet 75-So are you to my thoughts106
sonnet 76-Why is my verse so barren108
sonnet 77-Thy glass will show thee how110
sonnet 79-Whilst I alone did call upon112
sonnet 80-O!how I faint when I of you114
sonnet 81-Or I shall live your epitaph116
sonnet 83-I never saw that you did painting118
sonnet 84-Who is it that says most120
sonnet 86-Was it the proud full sail122
sonnet 87-Farewell!thou art too dear124
sonnet 88-When thou shalt be dispos'd126
sonnet 89-Say that thou didst forsake me128
sonnet 91-Some glory in their birth,some130
sonnet 92-But do thy worst to steal132
sonnet 93-So shall I live,supposing134
sonnet 94-They that have power to hurt136
sonnet 96-Some say thy fault is youth138
sonnet 97-How like a winter hath my140
sonnet 98-From you have I been142
sonnet 99-The forward violet thus144
sonnet 102-My love is strengthened146
sonnet 103-Alack!what peverty my Muse148
sonnet 104-To me,fair friend,you150
sonnet 105-Let not my love be152
sonnet 106-When in the chronicle of154
sonnet 107-Not mine own fears,nor156
sonnet 108-What's in the brain,that158
sonnet 110-Alas!'tis true,I have gone here160
sonnet 112-Your love and pity doth the162
sonnet 113-Since I left you,mine164
sonnet 114-Or whether doth my mind166
sonnet 115-Those lines that I before168
sonnet 116-Let me not to the marriage170
sonnet 117-Accuse me thus:that I have172
sonnet 118-Like as,to make our appetite174
sonnet 119-What potions have I drunk of176
sonnet 120-That you were once unkind178
sonnet 121-'Tis better to be vile than180
sonnet 122-Thy gift,thy tables,are182
sonnet 123-No,Time,thou shalt not boast184
sonnet 125-Were't aught to me I bore186
sonnet 127-In the old age black was188
sonnet 128-How oft when thou,my music190
sonnet 129-The expense of spirit in192
sonnet 130-My mistress'eyes are nothing194
sonnet 131-Thou art as tyrannous196
sonnet 132-Thine eyes I love198
sonnet 133-Beshrew that heart that makes200
sonnet 136-If thy soul check thee that202
sonnet 137-Thou blind fool,Love204
sonnet 138-When my love swears that206
sonnet 139-O!call not me to justify208
sonnet 141-In faith I do not love thee210
sonnet 142-Love is my sin,and thy dear212
sonnet 144-Two loves I have of comfort214
sonnet 145-Those lips that Love's own216
sonnet 146-Poor soul,the centre of218
sonnet 147-My love is as a fever220
sonnet 148-O me!what eyes hath222
sonnet 149-Canst thou,O cruel!say224
sonnet 150-O!from what power hast226
sonnet 151-Love is too young to know228
sonnet 154-The little Love-god lying230
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