
- 高鹏,张学忠主编 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7561126158
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:730页
- 文件大小:20MB
- 文件页数:746页
- 主题词:
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Part 1 说长道短大家谈2
1.谎言腿短,诚实为妙Honesty Is the Best Policy2
2.假期安排报告Vacation Arrangements4
3.生活好伴侣 莫忘自行车Bicycles6
4.自行车——中国人的第三条腿Bicycle-An Important Means of Transport in China8
5.难觅挚友True Friends10
6.诚实的谎言The White Lie12
8.诚实总是上策Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?16
9.住校与走读之争Living at College or at Home18
10.欲速则不达Haste Makes Waste20
11.人生末班车,停留何处Where to spend the Last Day22
12.风华正茂The Best Age to Be24
13.陌路相逢,同处一室Sharing a Room with a stranger26
14.人生三部曲Birth,Marriage and Death28
15.都是钱惹的祸Money Problems30
16.心灵呼唤儿童电影再现Children Are Longing for Films on Their Own Topics32
17.拥有时要珍惜Enjoy It While We've Got It34
19.人们看事物的方式People's Way of Seeing things38
20.今日酒店Hotels Today40
21.史料的重要性The Importance of Written History42
22.仁者见仁,智者见智Opinions and Views44
24.作决定Making Decisions48
Part 2 巾帼不让须眉50
25.弱者,你的名字不再是女人Weakness,Your Name Is NOT Woman50
26.年轻母亲求职记Young Mother Applicants52
27.不甘寂寞的美国女人American Athlete Women54
28.巾帼之行路漫漫ThereIs Still a LongWay to Go for Women56
29.妇女收入Women's Income58
30.航空领域中一位伟大的女性A Great Woman in Aviation60
31.家居女人AWoman at Home62
32.世界上第一位女医生TheWorld's First Woman Doctor64
33.现代女性The Present Role ofWomen66
34.英国妇女的作用Female Roles in Britain68
Part 3 开怀一笑解千愁72
36.喜剧大师卓别林The King ofComedy72
37.世界变化万千,校园怎能体现Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus74
38.无药可救Just Helpless76
39.究竟吃了什么What Did He Eat?78
40.令人尊敬的医生The Respected Doctor80
41.兔子与狐狸的较量The Rabbit andthe Fox82
42.鼠王为女招婿The Mouse King Wanted to Marry His Daughter84
44.楼上的家伙TheMan Upstai rs88
45.先给我刮胡子Shave Me Fi rst90
46.一袋面粉的故事A Bag of Flour92
47.智能体重计Intellectual Weighing Machines94
48.最愚蠢的人The FoolestMan96
49.老师在哪里Where Is the Teacher98
50.遗漏的口袋The Bag TheyMissed100
51.走私犯The Smuggler102
52.知音难觅Whereto Find a Listener104
53.购物风波The Shopping List106
Part 4 朝九晚五上班族108
54.寻找兼职Part-time Job Hunting108
55.选择职业Career Selection110
56.面试An Interview112
57.老骥伏枥,志在千里TheOld People Can Be Active114
58.找回自我Choosing Careers116
60.工作不顺找榜样Learnfrom aModel120
61.弹性工作时间Flexible Time122
62.工作目的迥异Different Purposes of Working124
63.多技之长An Engineer's Necessities126
64.面试的好处Advantages of a Job Interview128
65.“重生”课程Mid-career Program130
66.失败真可怕?Is Failure a Bad Thing?132
67.责任感Sense of Responsibility134
68.竞争与合作Competition and Cooperation136
69.成功面试The Successful Interview138
Part 5 生活常识有所知140
70.火中“脱险”How to Survive in a Fire140
71.无人不害羞1f You Are Shy,You Are Not Alone142
72.颜色替你考高分Color Effects144
73.生活因你而更精彩Color and Life146
74.何为急救WhatIs First Aid148
75.问路求助AskingtheWaytothe City Museum150
76.小议广告On Advertisements152
77.电话簿Telephone Books154
78.好天气,高智力Climate and Intelligence156
79.人类的第二语言The Second Language Of Human Being158
80.智囊Human Brain160
81.颜色的奥秘TheMystery of Color162
82.你感觉好吗?Are You Feeling Good?164
83.你睡好了吗?Did You Have a Sound Sleep?166
85.海潮A Tidal Wave170
89.送礼小诀窍Skills inGiving Gifts178
90.钻石之谜TheMystery of Diamond180
91.今夜里光灿烂The Stars Are Shining Tonight182
92.四季如画The Seasons184
93.如何写信OnWriting a Letter186
94.中国日历A Chinese Calendar188
95.身体语言Body Language190
97.植物的死因The Reasonsfor Plant Death194
98.国际红十字会The International Red Cross196
100.人类的鼻子Human Nose200
102.肌肉参与思维过程Muscles in Mental Process204
Part 6 科技博览精彩回放206
103.谁乃观众之宠儿Film isGivingWay to TV206
104.海底探密Undersea Discovery208
106.校园一卡通Campus Card212
107.干冰Dry Ice214
109.电话——现代的信使The Telephone218
110.获取信息Obtaining Information220
Part 7 居安思危小议环保222
111.天人之战Men and Nature222
112.生命之源永不干涸 Water Resources224
113.城市噪音Noises In City226
115.发展经济与保护环境孰轻孰重?Developing Economy or Protecting the Envi ronment230
116.城市环保Keeping Our CityClean232
117.噪音污染,几多忧愁Noise Pollution234
118.自然的保护神The Protector of Nature236
Part 8 家庭生活欢乐共享238
119.欢乐大家庭My Family238
120.幸福从哪里来?where Is Happinessfrom?240
121.学做家务ShouldWe Learnto Do Housework?242
122.相互理解,金石为开Mutual Understanding Is Important244
123.母爱的温馨Mother's Love246
124.独生子女家庭喜与忧One-child Family248
125.最诚实的丈夫TheMost Truthful Husband250
126.选家居,在郊区Should I Liveinthe Countryside or in the City?252
127.男女购物异彩纷呈Difference between Male and Female Shoppers254
128.私家车The Private Automobile256
129.“家”的定义 Home258
Part 9 中华成语精典荟萃260
130.一叶障目,不见泰山A Single LeafOver an Eye Shuts Out the View of Taishan Mountain260
131.退避三舍Retreat SanShetoGive Way262
132.杞人忧天Groundless Worry that the Sky Might Fall264
133.塞翁失马WhentheOldMan on the Frontier Lost His Mare266
134.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人Once It Cries,the Cry Shocks All268
135.破釜沉舟Break the Camp Cauldrons and Sink the Boats270
136.空中楼阁Castlesinthe Ai r272
137.杯弓蛇影AnIllusory Snakein a Goblet274
138.黔驴技穷When a Donkey Has ExhaustedIts Tricks276
Part 10 生命不息运动不止278
139.运动型节日Active Holidays278
140.跳舞健身Danceto Stay Healthy280
141.篮球运动创新高A New Basketball Time Record282
143.大话运动Talking about Sports286
144.运动喜忧掺半Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports288
145.磨练意志的跑步Running and Perseverance290
146.体育健身Physical Exercise292
Part 11 社会风俗多姿多彩294
147.干杯Gan Bei294
148.男女之间Men andWomen296
149.社会风俗多变化Different Social Customs298
151.何必匆匆赴约Rushingto a Party302
152.情人节你准备好7吗?Are You Ready For Valentine's Day?304
153.英国风俗Some Customs in Britain306
154.迎接新生命When a Baby Is Born308
155.女士优先Ladies Fi rst310
156.葬礼The Funeral312
157.距离产生美Comfortable Distance Between People314
158.礼仪小看不得Manners Matter316
159.伸出你的手,成为好朋友The Art of Shaking Hands318
160.我应该脱鞋吗?Should I Take off My Shoes?320
161.西方餐桌讲规矩Table Rules and Suggestions322
Part 12 人类健康生命之本324
162.告别失眠SayGood-Byeto Insomnia324
163.牙痛找牙医Atthe Dentist's326
164.营养早餐能省吗?Having Breakfast Or Not?328
165.怀孕期间,可否吸烟Pregnancy Smoking330
166.饮酒新发现A New Discovery About Drink332
167.正确对付压力Dealingwith Stress334
168.死亡恐惧症Fearing Death336
169.健康与财富孰重孰轻HealthIsMore Important than Wealth338
170.慢性杀手——吸烟 The Killer Smoking340
171.食品与健康Food and Health342
173.药物On Drugs346
174.来自中国的祛病良方A Pain-Killing Wonder from China348
176.人类健康之黑色杀手The Potential Threat of Human Health352
177.如何吃得健康Healthy Eating354
Part 13 十年树木百年树人358
179.请求听课Asking For Enrollment358
180.图书馆小记Atthe Library360
181.带午餐入课堂Bring Your LunchInto Class362
182.迟到半小时ThirtyMinutes Late For Class364
183.请求选课Asking for Class366
184.黎明前的黑暗Dawn Comes After Dark368
185.英国高等教育一二三Britain Higher Education370
186.校国外部风景线Gettingto Knowthe World outside the Campus372
187.师生之间Teacher-Student Relationship374
188.小明星之教育The Education of TV Children376
189.英语教学在山区English Teaching in Remote Areas378
191.校园新气象The New Recycling Program On Campus382
192.校园风情Pictures on Campus384
195.高等教育问题A Problemin College Education390
197.我心中的大学The UniversityI Prefer394
198.成功之行为时未晚It'sNeverToo Late for Success396
199.与英语角之约The English Corner and Me398
200.大学生活多姿多彩College Life400
201.考试作弊Cheating at Examinations402
202.英语学习之我见Learning English404
203.大学的第一天My FirstDay at College406
204.是否是一位好老师A Good Teacher or Not408
205.教师演员情结AnActor and a Teacher410
206.孩子书包越来越重The Heavy Bags of School Children412
209.走进伦敦大学图书馆Libraries In London Colleges418
210.当前教育My Opinion of Today's Education420
211.出国深造Studying Abroad422
212.取消考试非明智之举ItIs Unwise to Cancel Examinations424
213.选课Which Courses to Take426
214.熟能生巧Practice Makes Perfect428
215.外面的世界更精彩Gettingto Know the World outside the Campus430
216.书面考试TheWritten Test432
217.再谈师生关系TheTeacher-Student Relationship434
218.教育与市场Education andthe Market436
219.我的成功之路My Success438
221.词典妙用The Use ofDictionaries442
222.求知路上无极限We Need to Broaden Our knowledge444
223.观察洞悉 学有所得 Observe and Learn446
224.习题册简介Introduction ofthe Workbook448
225.怎样使用图书馆HowtoUsethe Library450
226.还是内容重要Spelling orContent452
227.老外过年Christmas—The Spring Festival of Westerners454
Part 14 异国风情别样感受456
228.伦敦内外生活气象LiveOutside or Inside London456
229.华盛顿之树Washington EIm458
230.人间乐土“迪斯尼”Walt Disney World460
231.重获光明Eyesight Regained462
233.神秘失踪The Mysterious Disappearance466
234.无警之城A Large City without Policemen468
235.不幸的国家An Unfortunate Country470
236.鲨鱼助还生Sharks Help472
237.监狱面貌Toluker Prison474
238.车轮上的国家A Nation onWheels476
239.硅谷The Silicon Valley478
240.爱斯基摩人The Eskimos480
243.英国出生率大揭秘November Sees Fewest Bi rths in Britain486
244.加拿大电话Telephones in Canada488
Part 15 走进美国大开眼界490
246.农场一角Life on Farms492
247.美国交通纵横万千Travelling System in America494
248.消费方式Ways ofConsumption496
249.美国城市的发展The Development of American Cities498
250.住房问题新谈Housing Problem500
251.美国土著人和移民Native Americans and Immigrants502
252.美国食物American Foods504
253.美国——人们的梦想之地America A Dreamland for People506
254.汽车国度AWorld of Automobiles508
255.美国生活万花筒American Kaleidoscope510
256.美国教育American Education512
257.美国的教育体制American Education System514
258.美国广告Advertising In America516
259.看美国学校与教育Schools and Education518
260.走进美国象牙塔Perspective on American University520
261.英语写作English Writing522
262.考试小议The Grading Procedure524
Part 16 追根溯源探寻究竟526
263.弓箭之来历 Bows526
264.鲜为人知的盐的用途 Different Functions of Salt528
265.电影业的发展史 The Development of Movies530
266.喇叭与其鼻祖 Trumpet and Its Ancestry532
267.碰杯 Clinking Glasses534
268.蜜月 The Honeymoon536
269.最初熟食 First Cooked Food538
270.玻璃的发展史 Development of Glass540
271.语言家族 Language Families542
272.啤酒的发展 The Development Of Beer544
273.是谁播种下第一粒种子 Who Dropped the First Seed546
274.人类如何爬出洞穴 From Cave to House548
275.握手的起源 How did Handshake Originate?550
Part 17 多彩生活其乐融融552
276.邀外教共进餐 Inviting a Foreign Teacher to Dinner552
277.在美容院 In a Beauty Salon554
278.二人晚餐 Dinner for Two556
279.看电影 Going To the Cinema558
280.集邮 Stamp Collecting560
281.法国游客下江南 Hangzhou Hangs out French Welcome562
282.游历美国指南 Guidelines for Traveling in the United States564
283.旅游益处多 Advantages of Travelling566
284.旅行奇遇 When A Bear Is in Our Tent568
285.游览千山万水 Travelling570
286.兴趣给您超凡享受 Hobbies572
287.享受宁静的生活 A Quiet Life574
288.节目异彩纷呈 我却情有独钟 My Favorite Program576
289.聆赏音乐好去处 Going to a Concert578
290.相约看电影 共度好时光 Arranging Time for a Film580
291.欢度春节新招 Fresh Ways to Spend Spring Festival582
292.周末时光 The Two-day Weekend584
293.我的生活 我的享受 My Life586
Part 18 动物世界趣味横生588
294.人类的朋友Human Beings'Friends588
295.奇妙的昆虫An Interesting Insect590
296.狗——忠实的朋友Dogs Our Faithful592
297.复活节的长耳兔The Easter Bunny594
298.以狗为伴Keep Dogsfor Companionship596
299.低能动物——蛇 Unintelligent Snake598
300.工作猴Working Monkeys600
301.养狗之道Raising Dogs602
303.看猪的公众形象TheImage of Pigs606
Part 19 讲述老百姓自己的故事608
304.男孩终归是男孩BoysWill be Boys608
305.邮寄失物掀风波An Unsuccessful Delivery610
306.每日新闻亮点The Daily News612
307.一副眼镜A Pair ofGlasses614
308.流浪汉与狗Two Tramps and a Dog616
310.究竟谁是凶手 Wholsthe Killer620
311.到底是谁的笔迹Whose Handwriting Is It?622
312.送上门的钱Ready Money624
313.老亚瑟乐融融Old Arthur626
314.雄心已灭The Lost Ambition628
315.莎士比亚是饮料还是奶酪Shakespeare,A Drink or Cheese630
316.冬泳A Cold Swimming632
317.饿着肚子的旅行者 A Hungry Traveller634
318.她迟到了吗?Was She Late?636
319.二十年的考卷An Examination of Twenty Years Old638
320.烟鬼戒烟A Heavy Smoker640
321.女车主与男修理工的故事A Young Female Car Owner and a Repairman642
322.泰坦尼克传奇TheGreat Titanic644
323.一名场外演员的故事A Player Outside of Stage646
324.好莱坞的故事Stories about Hollywood648
325.富家三子弟的故事Three Sons of a Wealthy Businessman650
326.一节难忘的历史课An Unforgettable History Class652
327.世界上最富有的姐夫 A Rich Brother-in-law654
328.牢狱之声A Dialogue Between Two Prisoners656
329.小偷追赶失者的故事Ruban and a Thief658
330.罗伯特与聪明小偷Robert and a Smart Thief660
331.病床上的逃犯A Criminal in Hospital662
332.贫穷的百万富翁A PoorMillionai re664
333.开车风波Driving Trouble666
334.健忘医生与健忘症患者之约A Careless Patient and His Doctor668
335.牧羊人传奇A Young Man and Some Sheep670
336.国王和乞丐的故事A Powerful King and a Poor Beggar672
337.智取盗书Book Wanted674
340.圣诞购物Going Shopping680
341.是福是祸Bless or Not682
342.金婚Golden Wedding Anniversary684
343.有趣的故事An Interesting Story686
344.昂贵的牙齿Expensive Teeth688
345.同病相连The Same Embarrassment690
346.到底是谁的骨头Whose Bones Are in the Box?692
347.一次难忘的会议A Forgotten Conference694
348.造假专家The Famous Forgers696
349.美国总统The American President698
350.一代伟人The GreatMan700
351.一片面包A Piece of Bread702
352.愚蠢的人The Foolish Man704
353.丢失的收据The Lost Receipt706
Part 20 聚焦热点话题708
354.代沟Generation Gap708
355.中国——世贸的一支生力军China's Joining WTO710
356.老少同行The Young andthe Old Sometimes Agree712
357.真正的长途电话Now That's Really a Long Distance Call714
358.俄国第一宇航人The Fi rst“Astronaut”,a Russian Dog Named Laika716
359.人口问题解析An Analysis of Population718
360.少年婚姻大揭密Teenage Marriage720
362.二十一世纪的粮食危机The Grain Crisis in the 21 st Century724
363.警察与公众The Police andthe Public726
364.少一滴血液,添一份爱心Share Your Blood with Others728
365.系安全带,远离车祸 The Safety Belt730
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