MCAD/MCSD Visual C#.NET认证考试指南 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)KennethS.Lind,(美)MarjRempel著 著
- 出版社: 北京:电子工业出版社
- ISBN:750538340X
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:891页
- 文件大小:150MB
- 文件页数:918页
- 主题词:
MCAD/MCSD Visual C#.NET认证考试指南 英文版PDF格式电子书版下载
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Part Ⅰ C#:The Language1
Chapter 1 Introduction to C# .NET and the .NET Platform3
Overview of .NET4
So,What Is .NET?4
Application Development in .NET5
The .NET Platform6
The.NET Framework6
The CLS-Common Language Specifications7
The CLR-Common Language Runtime7
MSIL-Microsoft Intermediate Language8
The BCL-Base Class Library9
The .NET Languages9
Microsoft C# .NET10
Basic C# Concepts10
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts18
A Brief History of Object-Oriented Programming19
Just What Is an Object?20
Structs Explained21
The convert Routine Using an Object-Oriented Approach22
Properties and Methods of an Object23
Classes-Putting It All Together25
Instance Data vs. Class Data26
Static Methods27
Abstraction and Encapsulation28
Test Questions32
Test Answers33
Chapter 2 Variables and Program Structure34
Value-Type Variables35
Reference-Type Variables37
Memory and Variables37
Variable Declarations38
Value-Type Variables on the Stack38
The Parts of Reference-Type Variables39
Implicit Conversions40
Type Conversions40
Conversion Methods41
Boxing and Unboxing41
Memory Management42
Creating and Destroying Objects42
Cleaning Up the Objects43
The Structure of a C# Class File44
Namespaces and the Using Directive45
Coding Conventions47
Lexical Structure47
Constants and Read-Only Variables49
Statements and Expressions53
Flow Control55
Preprocessor Directives60
Test Questions61
Test Answers62
Chapter 3 Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts63
Introduction to Advanced OO Topics64
Creating Methods to Hide Data64
Using Properties to Hide Data66
Inheritance Explained67
Method Overriding79
Using Sealed82
Abstract Classes84
Why Use Interfaces?86
Extending Interfaces86
Test Questions89
Test Answers92
Chapter 4 Strings,Exceptions,and Events93
The String Class93
String Building95
String Formatting97
The System.Array Class99
Overview of Exception Handling102
Throwing and Catching Exceptions103
Coding to Handle Errors and Exceptions104
Creating Your Own Exceptions109
Event Handling110
Test Questions116
Test Answers119
Chapter 5 Visual Studio .NET Development Environment120
What is Visual Studio .NET?120
The Start Page121
Get Started122
Online Community124
Types of Projects125
Creating a Project125
Building the Project126
Grouping Projects into Solutions127
Customizing Visual Studio .NET129
Customizing with the Start Page129
Customizing with the Options Dialog Box129
The Interface130
Other Highlights of Visual Studio .NET137
Test Questions138
Test Answers139
Part Ⅱ The C# Exams:Common Elements141
The .NET Assembly143
Chapter 6 Assemblies143
What Is in the Assembly?145
Working with a .NET Assembly145
Creating and Modifying a .NET Assembly147
Strongly Named Assemblies and GAC148
Creating and Implementing Satellite Assemblies149
Test Questions150
Test Answers151
Chapter 7 Resources and Localization152
String Resources152
Localized Formatting156
Implementing Right-to-Left Mirroring and Encoding158
Test Questions160
Best Practices160
Test Answers162
Chapter 8 XML and C# Documentation163
Introduction to XML163
What Is XML164
HTML vs. XML164
Creating an XML Document168
XML Declaration and Processing Instructions168
Why Use XML?168
A Well-Formed XML Document170
XML Documentation in C#171
XML Documentation Tags171
XML Comments and Visual Studio .NET173
Test Questions175
Test Answers177
Chapter 9 Debugging and Testing178
Debugging Your Application178
The Buggy Application179
Two Debuggers-CorDbg and DbgCLR181
Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugging Capabilities185
.NET Diagnostics188
Debugging an ASP.NET Application194
Testing Your Application194
Purpose of Testing195
Developing a Test Plan195
Test Questions198
Test Answers199
Chapter 10 Basic Data-Access Techniques200
Application Models201
ADO.NET Architecture206
XML and ADO.NET209
Data-Access Basics209
ACID Rules(Transactions)219
Connecting to a Data Provider220
Database Security221
Connection Strings221
Connection Pooling224
Error Handling224
The Command Object226
The DataSet Object228
ADO.NET and XML229
Loading XML into a DataSet229
Writing XML from a DataSet231
Using the XmlDataDocument Object233
Using the DataAdapter to Access Existing Data234
Creating the DataAdapter235
Updating the Data Source236
Resolving Conflicts237
Test Questions239
Test Answers241
Part Ⅲ Exam 70-315:Developing and Implementing Web Applications243
The Internet:Its Standards245
Chapter 11 Welcome to the Internet and ASP.NET245
The TCP/IP Protocols246
Internet Architecture250
Static Web Pages—the Beginning250
Dynamic Web Pages—the Client Story252
Dynamic Web Pages—the Server Story253
The Internet Technologies254
Client-Side Technologies255
Server-Side Technologies255
Hello Web World!257
The Object Model of ASP.NET259
The Request Object261
The Response Object262
The Server Object264
State or No State264
The Application Object265
The Session Object267
Test Questions268
Test Answers270
Introduction to Web Forms271
Chapter 12 Web Forms:Client-Side Programs271
Building Your First Web Form272
Adding Controls to a Form276
HTML Server Controls278
Web Server Controls280
Validation Controls288
Custom and User Controls292
Creating an Address Book Web Form292
Test Questions302
Test Answers304
Chapter 13 Server-Side Programs and Postback Operations305
The ASP.NET Object Model306
ASP.NET Namespaces306
The Page Class307
State Management311
Web Services320
How to Write a Web Service321
How to Consume a Web Service324
COM Interoperability327
Platform Invoke331
ASP.NET and Events332
The Postback Event333
Test Questions338
Test Answers341
Working with ASP Controls343
Chapter 14 Server Controls in ASP.NET343
Base Properties of Server Controls344
HTML Server Controls345
Web Server Controls348
User Controls and Custom Controls352
Building and Using a User Control353
Building and Using a Custom Control356
Dynamic Control Creation360
Test Questions362
Test Answers364
Chapter 15 Web Forms and User Interface365
The Importance of the User Interface365
The Resource Manager Class371
Page Navigation374
Validation Revisited374
Error Handling378
Custom Error Pages379
Event Log381
Page-Level Tracing383
Test Questions388
Test Answers390
Chapter 16 Consuming and Manipulating Data from Data Sources391
Using a DataGrid Server Control392
Visual Studio .NET Support for Data392
Creating and Using Stored Procedures396
Data Binding399
Error Handling401
Accessing Data Programmatically402
Connecting to a Data Source403
Creating and Configuring a Command Object404
Populate the DataSet with the Data from the Command405
The Completed Web Form405
Building a Data Form407
Creating the SQL Statement407
Building the Form408
Retrieving Real-Time Data413
Looking Up the Address Info416
Test Questions418
Test Answers421
Chapter 17 Making the Web Application Available to Our Users422
Deploying a Web Application422
Caching and Improving Performance423
Configuring a Web Application426
Securing a Web Application432
Deploying a Web Application437
Installing a Web Application442
Installing IIS442
Installing FrontPage Server Extensions443
Test Questions444
Test Answers447
Part Ⅳ Exam 70-316:Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET449
Chapter 18 Introduction to Windows Forms451
Windows Forms451
System.Windows.Forms Namespace and More452
What Is a Form?453
The Windows Forms Designer460
A Closer Look at Forms464
Using Visual Inheritance467
Localizing Your Form469
Adding Controls to a Form471
Types of Controls473
Setting Properties of Controls475
Event Handling476
What Is an Event?476
What Happens When an Event Occurs?477
Creating Event Handlers479
Test Questions481
Test Answers485
Working with Controls486
Chapter 19 User-Interface Components486
Specifying a Control s Location on a Form487
Aligning Controls on a Form489
Managing Control Focus492
Windows Forms Controls493
Buttons,Text Boxes,and Labels,Oh My!494
List Boxes,Combo Boxes,Checked List Boxes,and Such500
Tab Controls501
Status Bars502
Dialog Boxes504
Working with Controls at Run Time507
Working with Menus509
Creating a Main Menu509
Looking at the Code of a Main Menu511
Handling Menu Events512
Context Menus512
Validating User Input513
Validating Events514
ErrorProvider Control515
Test Questions516
Test Answers518
Chapter 20 Data in Windows Forms520
Review of ADO.NET Object Model520
Accessing Data Using Visual Studio .NET521
ADO.NET Objects in Visual Studio.NET522
The College Application522
Using Stored Procedures531
What s Next?532
Data Binding533
The Theory of Data Binding533
Binding Data at Design Time534
Binding Data at Run Time537
BindingContext and CurrencyManager538
Exception Handling539
Creating a Connection Object542
Accessing Data Programmatically542
Creating a Command Object543
DataAdapter and DataSet544
Using Format and Parse548
The Format Event548
The Parse Event548
Test Questions549
Test Answers553
Chapter 21 Web Services and COM554
Web Services554
How Do Web Services Work?555
Building a Simple Web Service555
Consuming a Simple Web Service559
How Web Services Work561
.NET and COM564
COM and COM+564
Working with COM565
Behind the Scenes with COM567
Platform Invoke568
Test Questions569
Test Answers572
Chapter 22 Build Your Own Windows Control573
Methods of Building Windows Controls573
Extending an Existing Control574
Creating Composite Controls578
Building Custom Controls586
Visual Studio .NET Support587
Using Visual Inheritance587
Adding Design-Time Support to Your Control590
Adding a Toolbox Bitmap590
Providing Other Design-Time Support592
Adding Attributes to Properties592
Hosting Your Control in Internet Explorer593
Licensing a Control593
Test Questions595
Test Answers601
Chapter 23 Deploying a Windows-Based Application602
Review of Assemblies602
Installing an Assembly into GAC603
Strong Named Assemblies603
Precompiling Assemblies604
Deploying a Windows Application605
Creating a Setup Project606
Creating a Web Setup Project614
Creating a CAB Project615
Creating a Merge Module Project616
Conforming to Windows Standards616
Security Policies617
Test Questions619
Test Answers620
Chapter 24 Configuring a Windows Application622
Configuring a Windows Application622
Machine Configuration File623
Application Configuration File624
Security Configuration File625
.NET Framework Configuration Tool625
XML Configuration Tags630
Optimizing a Windows Application631
Debug vs.Release Versions631
Other Performance Enhancements633
Securing a Windows Application635
Code-Access Security635
Role-Based Security639
Providing User Assistance641
Providing User Help641
Adding Accessibility Features645
Localizing a Windows Form647
Using System.Drawing648
Test Questions650
Test Answers653
Part Ⅴ Exam 70-320:Developing XML Web Services655
Chapter 25 Introduction to XML Web Services and Server Components657
The Standards657
XML(Extensible Markup Language)658
SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)661
XML Web Services666
UDDI(Universal Description,Discovery,and Integration)672
XSD,XSLT,and XPath674
Control Debugging in web.config679
Logging Test Results and Debugging679
Logging Test Results in an XML Web Service680
Implementing Tracing in an XML Web Service681
Test Questions682
Test Answers685
Chapter 26 Windows Services687
Introducing Windows Services687
Building a Windows Service690
Creating an Installer for the Service693
Creating the Setup Project for the Windows Service694
Installing the Windows Service696
Verifying the Service Logging699
Windows Service Architecture700
Quick Facts on Windows Services701
Monitoring the Windows Service702
Multi-Tiered Architecture706
Server Components706
COM and COM+707
Serviced Components708
Using the Component Services Tool714
Test Questions720
Test Answers724
What Is .NET Remoting?725
Chapter 27 .NET Remoting725
Terms and Terminology726
.NET Remoting Architecture728
Steps for Invoking a Server Object s Methods732
Using .NET Remoting732
Building the Remote Object733
Building the Remote Server734
Building the Client735
Running the Remote Application736
Configuring .NET Remoting737
Creating the Remote Object Configuration File738
Creating the Remote Object738
Creating the Client740
Creating the Client Configuration File741
Setting Up IIS to Host the Server742
Client-Activated Objects744
Managing the Lifetime of a Server Object745
Performance Considerations746
.NET Remoting vs. Web Services746
Final Considerations746
Points to Remember747
Test Questions748
Test Answers754
Chapter 28 XML Web Services755
Introducing XML Web Services755
Distributed Applications755
XML Web Services in a Nutshell758
XML Web Services Architecture759
XML Web Service Provider760
XML Web Service Consumer760
XML Web Service Broker761
XML Web Services Programming Model761
Building an XML Web Service762
Creating the Project762
Implementing the Web Methods768
Setting the Web Method Attributes770
The Project Files771
XML Web Service Consumers772
Discovering XML Web Services776
Proxies for XML Web Services778
Building an XML Web Service Consumer778
Asynchronous Web Methods782
SOAP Extensions784
Test Questions785
Test Answers787
Chapter 29 Data Again788
ADO.NET and XML Web Services788
The ADO Objects Revisited788
DataSet Schemas790
DataSet Relationships796
Document Object Model(DOM)804
XML Data804
Transformations and XML812
Validating XML816
Microsoft SQL Server and XML Support819
Test Questions820
Test Answers823
UDDI Registry824
Deploying an XML Web Service824
Chapter 30 Deployment and Security824
Securing an XML Web Service830
Secure Communication837
Access Unmanaged Code Using InterOp839
Using a COM Component839
Test Questions841
Test Answers846
Part Ⅵ Appendixes847
Appendix A About the CD-ROM849
Appendix B The New Microsoft Developer Tracks852
Appendix C Command-Line Syntax861
Appendix D The .NET Class Library867
Appendix E Glossary878
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