工程电路分析 英文原版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)William H.Hayt,Jr.等著 著
- 出版社: 北京:电子工业出版社
- ISBN:7505376349
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:786页
- 文件大小:50MB
- 文件页数:805页
- 主题词:
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第1章 电路分析和电气工程 Circuit Analysis and Electriacl Engineering1
CHAPTER 1 Circuit Analysis and Electrical Engineering1
1.1 Introduction1
1.2 Overview of the Text2
1.3 Relationship of Circuit Analysis to Engineering3
1.4 Analysis and Design4
1.5 Computer-Aided Analysis5
1.6 Successful Problem-Solving Strategies5
1.7 Recommended Reading6
2.2 Units and Scales7
CHAPTER 2 Basic Components and Electric Circuits7
2.1 Introduction7
第2章 基本元件和电路 Basic Components and Electric Circuits7
2.3 Charge ,Current ,Voltage ,and Power9
2.4 Voltage and Current Sources15
2.5 Ohm s Law19
2.6 Summary and Review23
第3章 电压和电流定律 Voltage and Current Laws29
CHAPTER 3 Voltage and Current Laws29
3.1 Introduction29
3.2 Nodes,Paths,Loops,and Branches29
3.3 Kirchoff s Current law30
3.4 Kirchoff s Voltage Law32
3.5 The Single-Loop Circuit36
3.6 The Single Node-Pair Circuit38
3.7 Senes and Parallel Connected Independent Sources42
3.8 Resistors in Series and Parallel43
3.9 Voltage and Current Division49
3.10 Summary and Review54
CHAPTER 4 Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis69
4.1 Introduction69
4.2 Nodal Analysis69
第4章 基本节点和网孔分析 Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis69
4.3 The Supernode74
4.4 Mesh Analysis77
4.5 The Supermesh81
4.6 Nodal vs.Mesh Analysis: A Comparison83
4.7 Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis85
4.8 Summary and Review89
CHAPTER 5 Useful Circuit Analysis Techniques101
5.1 Introduction101
5.2 Linearity and Superposition101
第5章 常用电路分析方法 Useful Circuit Analysis Techniques101
5.3 Source Transformations110
5.4 Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits116
5.5 Maximum Power Transfer125
5.6 Delta-Wye Conversion127
5.7 Selecting an Approach: A Comparison of Various Techniques129
5.8 Summary and Review130
第6章 运算放大器 The Operational Amplifier147
CHAPTER 6 The Operational Amplifier147
6.1 Introduction147
6.2 Background147
6.3 The Ideal Op Amp: A Cordial Introduction148
6.4 Cascaded Stages154
6.5 A More Detailed Model for the Op Amp155
6.6 Practical Considerations159
6.7 Summary and Review164
7.2 The Capacitor173
第7章 电容和电感 Capacitors and Inductors173
7.1 Introduction173
CHAPTER 7 Capacitors and Inductors173
7.3 The Inductor180
7.4 Inductance and Capacitance Combinations188
7.5 Consequences of Linearity192
7.6 Simple Op Amp Circuits with Capacitors194
7.7 Duality196
7.8 Modeling Capacitors and Inductors with PSpice(r)200
7.9 Summary and Review201
第8章 基本RL和RC电路 Basic RL and RC Circuits211
CHAPTER 8 Basic RL and RC Circuits211
8.1 Introduction211
8.2 The Source-Free RL Circuit211
8.3 Properties of the Exponential Response216
8.4 The Source-Free RC Circuit220
8.5 A More General Perspective222
8.6 The Unit-Step Function227
8.7 Driven RL Circuits230
8.8 Natural and Forced Response233
8.9 Driven RC Circuits239
8.10 Summary and Review245
9.1 Introduction261
9.2 The Source-Free Parallel Circuit261
CHAPTER 9 The RLC Circuit261
第9章 RLC电路 The RLC Cireuit261
9.3 The Overdamped Parallel RLC Circuit265
9.4 Critical Damping270
9.5 The Underdamped Parallel RLC Circuit274
9.6 The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit280
9.7 The Complete Response of the RLC Circuit284
9.8 The Lossless LC Circuit292
9.9 Summary and Review294
10.1 Introduction303
CHAPTER 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis303
第10章 正弦稳态分析 Sinusoidal Steady—State Analysis303
10.2 Characteristics of Sinusoids303
10.3 Forced Response to Sinusoidal Functions306
10.4 The Complex Forcing Function309
10.5 The Phasor314
10.6 Phasor Relationships for R,L,and C317
10.7 Impedance321
10.8 Admittance326
10.9 Nodal and Mesh Analysis327
10.10 Superposition, Source Transformations, and Thévenin s Theorem331
10.11 Phasor Diagrams336
10.12 Summary340
第11章 交流功率电路分析 AC Power Circuit Analysis353
11.1 Introduction353
CHAPTER 11 AC Power Circuit Analysis353
11.2 Instantaneous Power354
11.3 Average Power356
11.4 Effective Values of Current and Voltage366
11.5 Apparent Power and Power Factor371
11.6 Complex Power373
11.7 Comparison of Power Terminology378
11.8 Summary and Review379
第12章 多相电路 Polyphase Circuits389
CHAPTER 12 Polyphase Circuits389
12.1 Introduction389
12.2 Polyphase Systems390
12.3 Single-Phase Three-Wire Systems392
12.4 Three-Phase Y-Y Connection396
12.5 The Delta(△)Connection401
12.6 Power Measurement in Three-Phase System406
12.7 Summary and Review415
第13章 磁耦合电路 Magnetically Coupled Circuits423
CHAPTER 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits423
13.1 Introduction423
13.2 Mutual Inductance424
13.3 Energy Considerations431
13.4 The Linear Transformer434
13.5 The Ideal Transfomer440
13.6 Summary and Review450
CHAPTER 14 Complex Frequency and the Laplace Transform461
14.1 Introduction461
第14章 复频率与拉普拉斯变换 Complex Frequency and the Laplace Transform461
14.2 Complex Frequency461
14.3 The Damped Sinusoidal Forcing Function465
14.4 Definition of the Laplace Transform468
14.5 Laplace Transforms of Simple Time Functions471
14.6 Inverse Transform Techniques474
14.7 Basic Theorems for the Laplace Transform479
14.8 The Initial-Value and Final-Value Theorems485
14.9 Summary and Review488
CHAPTER 15 Circuit Analysis in the s-Domain495
15.1 Introduction495
15.2 Z(s) and Y(s)495
第15章 s域电路分析 Circuit Analysis in the s—Domain495
15.3 Nodal and Mesh Analysis in the s-Domain501
15.4 Additional Circuit Analysis Techniques507
15.5 Poles.Zeros,and Transfer Functions510
15.6 Convolution511
15.7 The Complex-Frequency Plane520
15.8 Natural Response and the s-Plane529
15.9 A Technique for Synthesizing the Voltage Ratio H(s)=Vout/Vin534
15.10 Summary and Review536
CHAPTER 16 Frequency Response545
16.1 Introduction545
16.2 Parallel Resonance545
第16章 频率响应 Frequency Response545
16.3 More about Parallel Resonance553
16.4 Series Resonance559
16.5 Other Resonant Forms561
16.6 Scaling569
16.7 Bode Diagrams574
16.8 Filters587
16.9 Summary and Review595
CHAPTER 17 Two-Port Networks605
17.1 Introduction605
17.2 One-Port Networks605
第17章 双端口网络 Two—Port Networks605
17.3 Admittance Parameters610
17.4 Some Equivalent Networks617
17.5 Impedance Parameters625
17.6 Hybrid Parameters630
17.7 Transmission Parameters633
17.8 Summary and Review637
CHAPTER 18 Fourier Circuit Analysis645
18.1 Introduction645
第18章 傅里叶电路分析 Fourier Circuit Analysis645
18.2 Trigonometric Form on the Fourier Series646
18.3 The Use of Symmetry654
18.4 Complete Response to Periodic Forcing Functions658
18.5 Complex Form of the Fourier Series661
18.6 Definition of the Fourier Transform667
18.7 Some Properties of the Fourier Transform670
18.8 Fourier Transform Pairs for Some Simple Time Functions674
18.9 The Fourier Transform of a General Periodic Time Function678
18.10 The System Function and Response in the Frequency Domain680
附录1 网络拓扑导论 An Introduction to Network Topology697
附录2 联立方程的求解 Solution of Simultaneous Equations709
附录3 戴维南定理的证明 A Proof of Thévenin s Theorem717
附录4 Pspcie指南 A PSpice Tutorial721
附录5 复数 Complex Numbers727
附录6 MATLAB简介 A Brief MATLAB Tutorial737
附录7 拉普拉斯变换的补充定理 Additional Laplace Transform Theorems741
附录8 单数习题答案 Answers to Odd—Numbered Problems747
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