
Fundamentals of multiphase flow【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

Fundamentals of multiphase flow
  • Christopher E. Brennen 著
  • 出版社: Cambridge University Press
  • ISBN:0521848040
  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:346页
  • 文件大小:49MB
  • 文件页数:371页
  • 主题词:


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1 Introduction to Multiphase Flow1

1.1 Introduction1

1.1.1 Scope1

1.1.2 Multiphase Flow Models2

1.1.3 Multiphase Flow Notation3

1.1.4 Size Distribution Functions6

1.2 Equations of Motion8

1.2.1 Averaging8

1.2.2 Continuum Equations for Conservation of Mass9

1.2.3 Disperse Phase Number Continuity10

1.2.4 Fick’s Law11

1.2.5 Continuum Equations for Conservation of Momentum12

1.2.6 Disperse Phase Momentum Equation14

1.2.7 Comments on Disperse Phase Interaction15

1.2.8 Equations for Conservation of Energy16

1.2.9 Heat Transfer between Separated Phases19

1.3 Interaction with Turbulence21

1.3.1 Particles and Turbulence21

1.3.2 Effect on Turbulence Stability24

1.4 Comments on the Equations of Motion25

1.4.1 Averaging25

1.4.2 Averaging Contributions to the Mean Motion26

1.4.3 Averaging in Pipe Flows27

1.4.4 Modeling with the Combined Phase Equations28

1.4.5 Mass,Force,and Energy Interaction Terms28

2 Single-Particle Motion30

2.1 Introduction30

2.2 Flows Around a Sphere31

2.2.1 At High Reynolds Number31

2.2.2 At Low Reynolds Number32

2.2.3 Molecular Effects37

2.3 Unsteady Effects38

2.3.1 Unsteady Particle Motions38

2.3.2 Effect of Concentration on Added Mass41

2.3.3 Unsteady Potential Flow41

2.3.4 Unsteady Stokes Flow44

2.4 Particle Equation of Motion48

2.4.1 Equations of Motion48

2.4.2 Magnitude of Relative Motion52

2.4.3 Effect of Concentration on Particle Equation of Motion53

2.4.4 Effect of Concentration on Particle Drag55

3 Bubble or Droplet Translation60

3.1 Introduction60

3.2 Deformation Due to Translation60

3.2.1 Dimensional analysis60

3.2.2 Bubble shapes and terminal velocities61

3.3 Marangoni Effects66

3.4 Bjerknes Forces68

3.5 Growing or Collapsing Bubbles69

4 Bubble Growth and Collapse73

4.1 Introduction73

4.2 Bubble Growth and Collapse73

4.2.1 Rayleigh-Plesset Equation73

4.2.2 Bubble Contents75

4.2.3 In the Absence of Thermal Effects; Bubble Growth78

4.2.4 In the Absence of Thermal Effects; Bubble Collapse81

4.2.5 Stability of Vapor/Gas Bubbles82

4.3 Thermal Effects84

4.3.1 Thermal Effects on Growth84

4.3.2 Thermally Controlled Growth85

4.3.3 Cavitation and Boiling89

4.3.4 Bubble Growth by Mass Diffusion89

4.4 Oscillating Bubbles91

4.4.1 Bubble Natural Frequencies91

4.4.2 Nonlinear Effects93

4.4.3 Rectified Mass Diffusion95

5 Cavitation97

5.1 Introduction97

5.2 Key Features of Bubble Cavitation97

5.2.1 Cavitation Inception97

5.2.2 Cavitation Bubble Collapse99

5.2.3 Shape Distortion during Bubble Collapse101

5.2.4 Cavitation Damage104

5.3 Cavitation Bubbles106

5.3.1 Observations of Cavitating Bubbles106

5.3.2 Cavitation Noise109

5.3.3 Cavitation Luminescence115

6 Boiling and Condensation116

6.1 Introduction116

6.2 Horizontal Surfaces117

6.2.1 Pool Boiling117

6.2.2 Nucleate Boiling119

6.2.3 Film Boiling120

6.2.4 Leidenfrost Effect121

6.3 Vertical Surfaces122

6.3.1 Film Boiling122

6.4 Condensation125

6.4.1 Film Condensation125

7 Flow Patterns127

7.1 Introduction127

7.2 Topologies of Multiphase Flow127

7.2.1 Multiphase Flow Patterns127

7.2.2 Examples of Flow Regime Maps129

7.2.3 Slurry Flow Regimes131

7.2.4 Vertical Pipe Flow132

7.2.5 Flow Pattern Classifications134

7.3 Limits of Disperse Flow Regimes136

7.3.1 Disperse Phase Separation and Dispersion136

7.3.2 Example:Horizontal Pipe Flow138

7.3.3 Particle Size and Particle Fission140

7.3.4 Examples of Flow-Determined Bubble Size141

7.3.5 Bubbly or Mist Flow Limits142

7.3.6 Other Bubbly Flow Limits143

7.3.7 Other Particle Size Effects144

7.4 Inhomogeneity Instability144

7.4.1 Stability of Disperse Mixtures145

7.4.2 Inhomogeneity Instability in Vertical Flows148

7.5 Limits on Separated Flow151

7.5.1 Kelvin-Helmoltz Instability151

7.5.2 Stratified Flow Instability153

7.5.3 Annular Flow Instability154

8 Internal Flow Energy Conversion155

8.1 Introduction155

8.2 Frictional Loss in Disperse Flow155

8.2.1 Horizontal Flow155

8.2.2 Homogeneous Flow Friction157

8.2.3 Heterogeneous Flow Friction159

8.2.4 Vertical Flow161

8.3 Frictional Loss in Separated Flow163

8.3.1 Two-Component Flow163

8.3.2 Flow with Phase Change168

8.4 Energy Conversion in Pumps and Turbines172

8.4.1 Multiphase Flows in Pumps172

9 Homogeneous Flows176

9.1 Introduction176

9.2 Equations of Homogeneous Flow176

9.3 Sonic Speed177

9.3.1 Basic Analysis177

9.3.2 Sonic Speeds at Higher Frequencies181

9.3.3 Sonic Speed with Change of Phase182

9.4 Barotropic Relations186

9.5 Nozzle Flows187

9.5.1 One-Dimensional Analysis187

9.5.2 Vapor/Liquid Nozzle Flow192

9.5.3 Condensation Shocks195

10 Flows with Bubble Dynamics199

10.1 Introduction199

10.2 Basic Equations200

10.3 Acoustics of Bubbly Mixtures200

10.3.1 Analysis200

10.3.2 Comparison with Experiments203

10.4 Shock Waves in Bubbly Flows205

10.4.1 Shock-wave Analysis205

10.4.2 Shock-wave Structure208

10.5 Finite Bubble Clouds210

10.5.1 Natural Modes of a Spherical Cloud of Bubbles210

10.5.2 Response of a Spherical Bubble Cloud214

11 Flows with Gas Dynamics217

11.1 Introduction217

11.2 Equations for a Dusty Gas217

11.2.1 Basic Equations217

11.2.2 Homogeneous Flow with Gas Dynamics219

11.2.3 Velocity and Temperature Relaxation220

11.3 Normal Shock Wave221

11.4 Acoustic Damping224

11.5 Other Linear Perturbation Analyses227

11.5.1 Stability of Laminar Flow227

11.5.2 Flow over a Wavy Wall228

11.6 Small Slip Perturbation229

12 Sprays232

12.1 Introduction232

12.2 Types of Spray Formation232

12.3 Ocean Spray233

12.4 Spray Formation234

12.4.1 Spray Formation by Bubbling234

12.4.2 Spray Formation by Wind Shear235

12.4.3 Spray Formation by Initially Laminar Jets237

12.4.4 Spray Formation by Turbulent Jets239

12.5 Single-Droplet Mechanics243

12.5.1 Single-Droplet Evaporation243

12.5.2 Single-Droplet Combustion245

12.6 Spray Combustion249

13 Granular Flows252

13.1 Introduction252

13.2 Particle Interaction Models253

13.2.1 Computer Simulations255

13.3 Flow Regimes255

13.3.1 Dimensional Analysis255

13.3.2 Flow Regime Rheologies256

13.3.3 Flow Regime Boundaries259

13.4 Slow Granular Flow259

13.4.1 Equations of Motion259

13.4.2 Mohr-Coulomb Models260

13.4.3 Hopper Flows261

13.5 Rapid Granular Flow263

13.5.1 Introduction263

13.5.2 Example of Rapid Flow Equations264

13.5.3 Boundary Conditions267

13.5.4 Computer Simulations267

13.6 Effect of Interstitial Fluid268

13.6.1 Introduction268

13.6.2 Particle Collisions268

13.6.3 Classes of Interstitial Fluid Effects270

14 Drift Flux Models272

14.1 Introduction272

14.2 Drift Flux Method273

14.3 Examples of Drift Flux Analyses274

14.3.1 Vertical Pipe Flow274

14.3.2 Fluidized Bed276

14.3.3 Pool Boiling Crisis278

14.4 Corrections for Pipe Flows282

15 System Instabilities284

15.1 Introduction284

15.2 System Structure284

15.3 Quasistatic Stability286

15.4 Quasistatic Instability Examples288

15.4.1 Turbomachine Surge288

15.4.2 Ledinegg Instability288

15.4.3 Geyser Instability289

15.5 Concentration Waves290

15.6 Dynamic Multiphase Flow Instabilities292

15.6.1 Dynamic Instabilities292

15.6.2 Cavitation Surge in Cavitating Pumps292

15.6.3 Chugging and Condensation Oscillations293

15.7 Transfer Functions297

15.7.1 Unsteady Internal Flow Methods297

15.7.2 Transfer Functions298

15.7.3 Uniform Homogeneous Flow300

16 Kinematic Waves302

16.1 Introduction302

16.2 Two-Component Kinematic Waves303

16.2.1 Basic Analysis303

16.2.2 Kinematic Wave Speed at Flooding304

16.2.3 Kinematic Waves in Steady Flows305

16.3 Two-Component Kinematic Shocks306

16.3.1 Kinematic Shock Relations306

16.3.2 Kinematic Shock Stability308

16.3.3 Compressibility and Phase-Change Effects309

16.4 Examples of Kinematic Wave Analyses311

16.4.1 Batch Sedimentation311

16.4.2 Dynamics of Cavitating Pumps313

16.5 Two-Dimensional Kinematic Waves318


