
- (澳)马丁(Martin,J.R.),(澳)怀特(White,P.R.R.)著 著
- 出版社: 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- ISBN:9787560077390
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:278页
- 文件大小:14MB
- 文件页数:310页
- 主题词:英语-语言学-研究
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1 Introduction1
1.1 Modelling appraisal resources1
1.2 Appraisal in a functional model of language7
1.3 Situating appraisal in SFL33
1.4 Appraisal-an overview34
1.5 Appraisal and other traditions of evaluative language analysis38
1.6 Outline of this book40
2 Attitude:Ways of Feeling42
2.1 Kinds of feeling42
2.2 Affect45
2.3 Judgement52
2.4 Appreciation56
2.5 Borders58
2.6 Indirect realisations61
2.7 Beyond attitude68
2.8 Analysing attitude69
3 Engagement and Graduation:Alignment,Solidarity and the Construed Reader92
3.1 Introduction:a dialogic perspective92
3.2 Value position,alignment and the putative reader95
3.3 The resources of intersubjective stance:an overview of engagement97
3.4 Engagement and the dialogistic status of bare assertions98
3.5 Heteroglossia:dialogic contraction and expansion102
3.6 Entertain:the dialogistic expansiveness of modality and evidentiality104
3.7 Dialogistic expansion through the externalised proposition-attribution111
3.8 The resources of dialogic contraction-overview:disclaim and proclaim117
3.9 Disclaim:deny(negation)118
3.10 Disclaim:counter120
3.11 Proclaim:concur,pronounce and endorse121
3.12 Proclaim:concur122
3.13 Proclaim:endorsement126
3.14 Proclaim:pronounce127
3.15 Engagement,intertextuality and the grammar of reported speech133
3.16 Graduation:an overview135
3.17 Graduation:focus137
3.18 Graduation:force-intensification and quantification140
3.19 Force:intensification141
3.20 Force:quantification148
3.21 Force(intensification and quantification),attitude and writer-reader relationships152
3.22 Analysing intersubjective positioning153
4 Evaluative Key:Taking a Stance161
4.1 Introduction161
4.2 Evaluative key in journalistic discourse-the'voices'of news,analysis and commentary164
4.3 Evaluative key and the discourses of secondary-school history184
4.4 Stance186
4.5 Signature203
4.6 Evaluation and reaction206
4.7 Coda...207
5 Enacting Appraisal:Text Analysis210
5.1 Appraising discourse210
5.2 War or Peace:a rhetoric of grief and hatred212
5.3 Mourning:an unfortunate case of keystone cops234
5.4 Envoi260
List of Figures8
1.1 Ideational,interpersonal and textual metafunctions8
1.2 Language strata9
1.3 The intersection of strata and metafunctions12
1.4 Network displaying dependent systems14
1.5 Network displaying two simultaneous systems15
1.6 Network displaying three simultaneous systems15
1.7 Halliday's grammatical reading of modality16
1.8 Representations of scaled systems(modality value)16
1.9 A topological perspective on value and orientation17
1.10 Kinds of meaning in relation to kinds of structure18
1.11 Prosodic domain in Tagalog23
1.12 Prosodic domain in English23
1.13 Types of prosody24
1.14 Cline of instantiation25
1.15 Metafunctions in relation to field,mode and tenor27
1.16 Register recontextualised by genre32
1.17 Interpersonal semantic systems and tenor variables34
1.18 An overview of appraisal resources38
2.1 Judgement and appreciation as institutionalised affect45
2.2 Modality and types of judgement(following Iedema et al.1994)54
2.3 Strategies for inscribing and invoking attitude67
3.1 Engagement:contract and expand104
3.2 Engagement-dialogic expansion117
3.3 Engagement-contract:disclaim122
3.4 The engagement system133
3.5 A preliminary outline of graduation138
3.6 Force:intensification-quality and process141
3.7 Force:quantification151
3.8 System network for graduation:force and focus154
4.1 Reporter and writer voices:patterns of inscribed authorial judgement169
4.2 Elaborated system of journalistic key173
4.3 Journalistic keys-attitudinal profile178
4.4 Journalistic voices and authorial sanction182
4.5 The keys of history-network again185
5.1 Bonding-the infusion of value in activity212
List of Tables13
1.1 Probability-value by orientation13
1.2 Probability-subclassifying subjective realisations14
1.3 Time frames for semiotic change26
1.4 Interpersonal semantics in relation to lexicogrammar and phonology35
1.5 Approaches to evaluation39
2.1 Irrealis affect48
2.2 Affect-un/happiness49
2.3 Affect-in/security50
2.4 Affect-dis/satisfaction51
2.5 Affect-kinds of unhappiness51
2.6 Judgement-social esteem53
2.7 Judgement-social sanction53
2.8 Types of appreciation56
2.9 Sub-types of appreciation57
2.10 Interactions between attitudinalinvocation and attitudinal inscription68
2.11 Example attitude analysis71
2.12 Appraisal analysis conventions73
2.13 Inscribed attitude in Proulx74
2.14 Inscribed and invoked attitude in Proulx75
2.15 Invoked attitude in Proulx76
2.16 Inscribed attitude in'Baby,please don't cry'80
2.17 Inscribed attitude for Dad in'Baby,please don't cry'81
2.18 Inscribed attitude for Baby in'Baby,please don't cry'81
3.1 The monoglossic and the heteroglossic100
3.2 Realisation options for pronouncement131
3.3 A taxonomy of pronouncement realisations132
3.4 The gradability of attitudinal meanings136
3.5 The gradability of engagement values136
3.6 Feature combinations for quality intensifications149
3.7 Feature combinations for process intensifications149
3.8 Feature combinations for quantification152
3.9 Engagement analysis of Heffer text158
4.1 Cline of instantiation-from system to reading163
4.2 Cline of instantiation-evaluation164
5.1 Overview of meta-relations232
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