

  • 袁祖文编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:旅游教育出版社
  • ISBN:756370664X
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:354页
  • 文件大小:10MB
  • 文件页数:370页
  • 主题词:


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Chapter 1 Welcome Speech 欢迎辞1

Chapter 2 Guiding Speech of the Major Scenic Spots 主要景点导游9

2.1 Tian'anmen Square and Its Surroundings 天安门广场及周围建筑9

2.1.1 Tian'anmen Square 天安门广场9

2.1.2 Huabiao:Ornamental Pillars 华表11

2.1.3 The Chinese National Flag,Emblem and Anthem 国旗、国徽及国歌14

2.1.4 The Monument to the People's Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑17

2.1.5 Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 毛主席纪念堂19

2.1.6 The Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂21

2.1.7 The National Museum of China 中国国家博物馆23

2.1.8 Viewing Tian'anmen Square from the Rostrum从天安门城楼看广场24

2.2 The Forbidden City 紫禁城(故宫)28

2.2.1 Introduction to the Forbidden City in front of the Meridian Gate 五凤楼前讲故宫28

2.2.2 The Meridian Gate—The Five Phoenix Tower 午门—五凤楼34

2.2.3 The Hall and the Courtyard of Supreme Harmony 太和殿及殿前广场36

2.2.4 The Hall of Complete Harmony 中和殿43

2.2.5 The Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿44

2.2.6 The Huge Stone Carving 云龙石雕45

2.2.7 The Hall of Clocks and Watches 钟表馆46

2.2.8 The Palace of Heavenly Purity 乾清宫47

2.2.9 The Hall of Union 交泰殿49

2.2.10 The Palace of Earthly Tranquility 坤宁宫50

2.2.11 The lmperial Garden 御花园52

2.2.12 The Six Western Palaces 西六宫53

2.2.13 The Hall of Mental Cultivation养心殿54

2.2.14 The Six Eastern Palaces 东六宫56

2.2.15 The Nine Dragon Screen 九龙壁57

2.2.16 The Treasure Hall 珍宝馆58

2.2.17 Mysteries of the Palace Roofs 皇宫屋顶的奥秘62

2.2.18 The Watch Towers 角楼的传说65

2.3 The Temple of Heaven 天坛67

2.3.1 A Brief Introduction to the Temple of Heaven 天坛概况67

2.3.2 The Circular Mound Altar 圜丘坛71

2.3.3 The Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇74

2.3.4 Echo Wall 回音壁75

2.3.5 Triple Sound Stone 三音石76

2.3.6 Red Stairway Bridge 丹陛桥77

2.3.7 The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 祈年殿78

2.3.8 Hall of Abstinence斋宫81

2.3.9 How to Worship the God of Heaven 祭祀天神的程序82

2.3.10 Magic Number "Nine" 神奇的数字“九”84

2.4 The Summer Palace 颐和园86

2.4.1 The Summer Palace—Historical Overview 颐和园—历史回顾86

2.4.2 East Palace Gate 东宫门88

2.4.3 The Hall of Benevolence and Longevity 仁寿殿91

2.4.4 Hall of Jade Billows 玉澜堂93

2.4.5 Garden of Virtuous Harmony 德和园94

2.4.6 The Hall of Joyful Longevity 乐寿堂96

2.4.7 The Covered Walkway 长廊99

2.4.8 The Hall of Dispelling Clouds 排云殿104

2.4.9 The Tower of Buddhist Incense 佛香阁105

2.4.10 The Marble Boat 石舫107

2.4.11 The 17-Arch Bridge十七孔桥108

2.4.12 Bronze Ox 铜牛109

2.4.13 The Garden of Harmonious Interests 谐趣园110

2.4.14 The Rear Hill and Rear Lake 后山后湖113

2.4.15 Bridges over Garden Waters 中国园林中的桥114

2.5 The Great Wall 长城117

2.5.1 The History of the Great Wall 长城的历史117

2.5.2 The Great Wall 长城119

2.5.3 Juyongguan Pass 居庸关123

2.5.4 Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway 京张铁路124

2.5.5 Badaling Fortress 八达岭要塞126

2.5.6 The Great Wall at Badaling 八达岭长城127

2.5.7 Meng Jiangnu's Bitter Weeping 孟姜女哭长城128

2.6 The Ming Tombs 十三陵130

2.6.1 How Was the Site of the Ming Tombs Chosen?十三陵选址130

2.6.2 Why were only 13 emperors buried here? 为何仅葬十三帝?132

2.6.3 The Sacred Way 神路134

2.6.4 Emperor Yongle's Tomb and Emperor Wanli's Tomb 长陵和定陵137

2.6.5 Components of an Imperial Tomb 皇陵的结构140

2.7 Yonghe Lamasery 雍和宫141

2.8 Chinese Ethnic Culture Park 中华民族园144

2.9 China Century Altar 中华世纪坛145

2.10 Hongqiao Market 红桥市场147

2.11 Highlights in China 中国揽胜149

2.11.1 The Three Gorges 长江三峡149 Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峡152 Wuxia Gorge 巫峡154 Xiling Gorge 西陵峡157

2.11.2 Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses—— the World's Eighth Wonder秦兵马俑—世界第八大奇迹160

2.11.3 The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb 秦始皇陵162

2.11.4 Guilin—the Capital of Karst 桂林山水甲天下165

2.11.5 The State Forest Park at Zhangjiajie in Wulingyuan 张家界国家森林公园168

2.11.6 Huangshan Mountain 黄山——中国名山173

Chapter 3 Guides'Commentary of the Coach Window View 沿途导游177

3.1 Route 1:Capital International Airport to the China World Hotel 沿途导游(1)从首都机场到中国大饭店177

3.2 Route 2:From the China World Hotel to the Nationalities Hotel 沿途导游(2)中国大饭店到民族大饭店184

Chapter 4 Discussions on Special Topics特别话题192

4.1 Arts and Crafts 中国工艺品192

4.1.1 Cloisonné 景泰蓝192

4.1.2 Chinese Silk 中国丝绸195

4.1.3 Chinese Traditional Painting 中国传统字画200

4.1.4 Chinese Seal-engraving 中国印章的知识205

4.1.5 Chinese Ceramics 中国陶瓷209

4.1.6 Jade and Jade Carving 玉及玉雕213

4.1.7 Chinese Snuff Bottle 鼻烟壶217

4.2 Eating and Drinking 饮食在中国221

4.2.1 Beijing Roast Duck 北京烤鸭221

4.2.2 Chinese Hot-pot 火锅225

4.2.3 Chinese Dumpling 中国的饺子229

4.2.4 Chinese Breakfast 中国的早点233

4.2.5 Porridge(Labazhou) 腊八粥236

4.2.6 Chinese Tea 中国茶238

4.2.7 Yushan and Fangshan 御膳与仿膳245

4.3 Beijing北京263

4.3.1 Beijing Opera 京剧263

4.3.2 Theatres in Beijing 北京的剧院268

4.3.3 Hutongs in Beijing 北京的胡同270

4.3.4 Family Planning 计划生育276

4.3.5 Housing in Beijing 北京的住房282

4.3.6 Free Market 自由市场287

4.4 Giant Panda—the National Treasure 国宝大熊猫293

4.5 Miscellaneous Talks on China 中国面面观298

4.5.1 The offspring of the Dragon 龙的传人298

4.5.2 Chinese Names 中国人的名字301

4.5.3 Chinese Language 中国话306

4.5.4 Chinese Marriage Custom 中国的婚姻习俗311

4.5.5 Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖314

4.5.6 How to Use Chopsticks筷子320

4.5.7 Chinese Festivals and Their Foreign Influence 传统节日及外来影响324

4.5.8 Sedan Chairs 轿子331

4.5.9 A Nation of Bicycles 自行车王国333

Chapter 5 Farewell Speech 欢送辞339

Appendix 附录343

1.A Brief Chinese Chronology 中国历史年代简表343

2.A Brief Chronology of Beijing 北京历史简表344

3.Emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清两代皇帝347

4.The Story of Marco Polo 马可·波罗的中国传奇348

5.Ten Masterpieces of Chinese Classical Music 中国古乐十绝349

6.Directory Necessary of Phone Numbers 应急必备电话号码352

Acknowledgement 鸣谢353
