
- 弘恢主编;廖力贤编译(武汉科技大学中南分校商学院) 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国纺织出版社
- ISBN:7506422034
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:412页
- 文件大小:14MB
- 文件页数:453页
- 主题词:
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Apple of One s Eye--珍爱的人或物1
Apple Polisher--马屁精2
Polish the Apple/Apple Polishing--奉承,讨好3
Apple of Sodom--金玉其外,败絮其中4
Achille s Heel--致命的弱点5
Ants in One s Pants--坐立不安8
Apple-pie Order--井井有条;整整齐齐9
A Catch-22 Situation--第二十二条军规式的处境10
An Armchair Quarterback--坐在扶手椅上的指挥者10
Ask for the Moon--想入非非11
Ax to Grind--花言巧语12
Chance One s Arm--冒险一试;碰碰运气14
As American as Apple Pie--典型美国式的15
Up in Arms--满腔怒火15
At Arm s Length--敬而远之;疏远16
Idioms with Arm --和手臂有关的成语17
No Account--没用的人19
A Smart Aleck--骄傲自大的人19
To Take Aback--大吃一惊20
Above Board--光明正大21
Acid Test--决定性的考验22
Adam s Apple--喉头23
To Add Insult to Injury--落井下石;雪上加霜24
To Beat the Air--白费功夫25
Aladdin s Lamp--阿拉丁神灯;如意神灯26
Alive and Kicking--活蹦乱跳;精力充沛27
To Run Amuck/Amok, To Run about Frantically, To Be out of Control--发飙;到处乱窜28
On the Side of the Angels--站在天使一边;认同正义公理29
To Augur Well or Ill for--好(坏)兆头;示告吉凶30
To Go AWOL--不假外出;擅离职守31
A bolt form the Blue--出乎意料的事情32
Idioms with Baseball --和棒球有关的成语33
Idioms with Boxing -- 和拳击有关的成语34
Birthday Suit--一丝不挂34
Bite the Dust--献身36
In the Same Boat--同舟共济37
The Tower of Babel--空中楼阁38
Behind the Eight-ball--走投无路39
Bell the Cat--采取冒险的行动40
Bite off Sb s Nose--气势汹汹地回答某人;声色俱厉地训斥某人42
Bury One s Head in the Sand--逃避现实;拒绝承认现实43
Loaded for Bear--做好一切准备43
Pass the Buck--推卸责任45
Burning One s Bridges--破釜沉舟,不留后路46
Bob s Your Uncle--就是这么简单!48
Kick the Bucket--翘辫子;死了50
Go for Broke--全力以赴,孤注一掷51
Get down to(the)Brass Tacks--基本事实51
A Big Fish in a Small Pond--小地方的大人物52
Beat One s Brains(out)--伤透了脑筋52
Waste One s Breath--白费唇舌53
You Can t Beat It--第一流的,比不上的53
Carry the Ball--负主要责任53
No Bones about It--真实的,诚恳的54
Black and White--与黑与白有关的成语55
Brass Ring--目标、奖项、机遇56
To Bandy(a Story)about--散播谣言;东家长西家短58
To Bark up the Wrong Tree--搞错了对象59
A Battle-as(e)--母老虎;悍妇60
Bean Counters--精打细算的人61
Baker s Dozen--十三62
Bite the Bullet--迎接挑战,克服困难63
Blue in the Face/Blue Music/Blue Monday--烦恼、气恼、沮丧,无精打采67
Bread and Butter--面包和黄油;基本的生活需要68
Make Bricks Without straw--不可能的事;无米之炊70
Blow up and Blow out--与blow有关的易混的成语70
Idioms with Bone --与骨头有关的成语72
Idioms with Blood --与血液有关的成语75
Idioms with Back --与后背有关的成语79
New Broom--刚上任的新官84
Big Shot--要人85
A Bad Apple--坏蛋85
A Beam in One s Eye--自己的重大缺点86
To Beat a Retreat--打退堂鼓;落荒而逃87
A Beaten Path/Track--常规;惯例88
To Get out on the Wrong Side of Bed--下床气;一早起床就情绪不佳89
Between Scylla and Charybdis--腹背受敌;进退维谷90
To Take the Bit Between One s Teeth--我行我素;不受控制91
Bless You--上帝保佑92
Blue Blood--贵族血统;世家豪门之后92
The Blue Ribbon--最高品质;出类拔萃93
In the Same boat--同病相怜;同舟共济94
To Have a Bone to Pick with Someone--向某人抱怨;对某人不满95
Born on the Wrong Side of the Blanket--私生的96
Born with a Silver Spoon in One s Mouth--生于富贵之家97
On the Breadline--极为贫穷;饥饿99
To Give/Get Someone a Break--给别人一次机会100
A Busman s Holiday--不休息的假日101
Carry a Chip on One s Shoulder--挑衅的态度102
Full Court Press--全力以赴102
(One)Can t Fight City Hall--官府难抗104
Break Your Camera!--不上镜104
I Couldn t Care Less--我不在乎105
Shed Crocodile Tears--鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲106
To Eat Crow--因过分自信而出乖露丑112
A Church Mouse--一贫如洗115
Let the Cat out of the Bag--泄露秘密;露马脚116
Carry Coals to Newcastle--多此一举;画蛇添足117
The Carrot and the Stick--大棒加胡萝卜,威胁加利诱118
To Throw Cold Water on Something--泼冷水119
Bite off more than one can Chew--做超出自己能力的事情119
What s Cooking--怎么样,在忙什么呢121
Chicken Leg--妓女的腿121
Confidence Man--(喜欢甜言蜜语以赢得人信赖的)骗子122
Give her a Coffee--小联谊会122
Con Artist--大骗子手123
Idioms with Cat --与猫有关的成语123
To take the Cake; To Deserve Honor or Award; or to be Outrageous--赢得比赛;无人可及126
To Call a Spade a Spade--打开天窗说亮话127
To Call Someone s Bluff--摊牌;挑战128
To Carry the Can--背黑锅129
No Room to Swing a Cat--狭窄;空间太小130
To Let the Cat out of the Bag--泄漏秘密;露出马脚131
Cheek by Jow!--唇齿相依;紧密相连133
An Old Chestnut--老生常谈;老掉牙的笑话134
A Chip on One s Shoulder--好吵架;容易发脾气135
To have had One s Chips--丧失良机;机会不再136
Be Taken to the Cleaners--输得一干二净;被害惨了137
In a Cleft Stick--进退两难;无所适从138
To Sleep on a Clothes Line--倒地就睡139
A Cloud-cuckoo-land--理想国;梦想140
To be Cock-a-hoop--得意洋洋;兴高采烈141
A Load of Codswallop--一派胡言;无聊荒唐的点子141
A Couch Potato--懒惰虫;电视虫142
As the Crow Flies--一直线143
To Cry Stinking Fish--自暴其短;自败其事144
To Cry Wolf--狼来了;报虚警145
To Curry Favor--逢迎巴结;讨好;拍马屁146
To Cut and Run--拔腿就跑;仓促逃窜147
Call it a Day--收工;结束;到此为止148
Get the Drop on Someone--先发制人149
Duck Soup--不费吹灰之力的事150
In the doghouse--受冷落;遭到困难152
Go to the dogs--堕落;健康衰弱或败坏152
As soft as down--柔软如绒毛153
Air(wash)One s Dirty Linen in Public--暴露秘密153
A Damocles Sword--即将临头或无时不在的危险155
The Dog-Days--大热天;三伏天155
Then it s a Deal--那咱们就说定了156
Dutch Courage--醉后之勇157
Sitting Duck--容易受欺骗的人158
Beat/Flog a Dead Horse--徒劳无功;白费精神158
Play Duck and Drake--挥霍无度159
Drop Dead--去死159
Water off a Duck s Back--毫无作用159
A Gay Dog--快活的人160
Darby and Joan--鹣鲽情深;老夫老妻161
In the Doldrums--消沉的;闷闷不乐的163
To Draw a Blank--落空;一事无成164
To go in One Ear and out the other--左耳进右耳出166
To Give(One s)Eyeteeth for(Someone or Something)--十分迫切地想要166
Play by Ear--到时候再看着办167
Raise One s Eyebrows--惊讶、怀疑169
To Keep an Ear on the Ground--保持高度警觉169
Up to One s Ears--很忙;完全介入某事170
Idioms with Ear --与耳朵有关的成语171
Idioms with eye --与眼睛有关的成语175
A Bad Egg--坏胚子;坏蛋182
My Ears are Burning--耳朵发热;有人正在谈论自己183
To Have Egg on One s Face--满脸鸡蛋;因作错事而傻脸184
Be All Fingers and Thumbs--做事笨手笨脚185
Down to Earth, Both Feet on the Ground--讲求实际,脚踏实地185
To be foot-loose and Fancy-free--自由自在,无忧无虑186
To Get(in)on the Cround Floor--处于有利地位187
At Full Blast--全速地;大规模地187
A Feather in One s Cap--值得骄傲,引以为自豪的事情191
Chew the Fat--闲聊191
Fog Talking--花言巧语192
To be a Fly on the Wall--偷听别人说话192
To Bail out--渡过难关193
Nose Dive--一落千丈194
Idioms with Face and Finger --有关脸和手指的成语195
No Fool--决不是傻瓜;聪明人196
Have the Ball at One s Feet--看好某人196
No end of a Fellow--有趣的家伙197
Make a fool of--出洋相198
Fat Cat--大款198
Bosom Friend--知心朋友199
Bite the Hand that Feeds One--忘恩负义;以怨报德199
Cut the ground from under sb s Feet--拆某人的台;驳倒某人200
Cut off One s Nose to Spite One s Face--深陷其中200
To have a Finger in the Pie--插手管闲事201
A Fly in the Ointment--一粒屎坏了一锅粥;美中不足202
To Fly off the Handle--发脾气;情绪激动203
To Follow Suit--跟牌;仿效204
To set off on the Right/Wrong Foot--好(坏)的开始205
Footloose and Fancy-free--自由自在206
To take French Leave--不告而别;不假外出206
To gum up the Works--弄糟,搞乱207
Green with Envy--羡慕或嫉妒208
Get One s Goat--使人发怒或厌恶209
It s in God s Hands--听天由命209
It s Greek to me--莫名其妙;一窍不通210
Cut the Gordian Knot--快刀斩乱麻211
Cook Somebody s Goose--毁掉某人;挫败某人的计划212
By the Grapevine--小道消息;马路新闻213
Climb on the Bandwagon--随声附和;见风使舵213
Make Good Time--快速行进;有效利用运行时间215
To Work Hand in Glove--密切合作216
To Feel Groggy--头昏眼花;蹒跚摇晃216
After One s Own Heart--情投意合217
At the Drop of a Hat--立即、马上;刻不容缓219
Talk through your Hat--不善表达220
Come Hat in Hand--乞求施舍222
In Hot Water--陷入困境223
To Hang in There--坚持下去224
Wearing Two Hats--身兼两职225
A Horation Alger Story--霍雷肖·阿尔杰式的故事226
A Herculean Tash--艰巨的任务226
Handwriting on the Wall--面临灭顶之灾230
Mad as a Hatter/March Hare--疯狂,疯了231
Eating Humble Pie--忏悔232
Bet on the Wrong Horse--做出错误估计233
Dig One s Heels in--坚持立场235
Take the Bull by the Horns--当机立断235
Idioms with Head 、“Heart”、 Hand and Hair --与头、心、手、发有关的成语236
An Autograph Hound--爱请人签名题字的人237
A Hen-pecked husband--怕老婆的男人238
Cool One s Heels--苦苦等候;坐冷板凳238
Halcyon Days--美好时光239
To Ham it up--夸大过火的表演240
By Hook or by Crook--竭尽所能,不择手段241
To have a Hunch--有预感242
An Ivy Leaguer--名牌大学学生243
Break the Ice--打破僵局,创新新局面243
Lump it--不高兴也得忍耐;逆来顺受245
Indian Summer--深秋或初冬时的连续暖和气候246
Irons in the Fire--手头之事;待办之事247
Keeping up with the Jones --赶上琼斯家248
Disc Jockey--唱片骑师252
Don t Judge a Book by It s Cover--别以貌取人256
To Jump the Gun--仓促行动;偷跑257
Handle/Treat with Kid Gloves--小心谨慎258
Go Fly a Kite--别打扰我;走开258
Hit the Books--努力用功259
To/Till Kingdom Come--死;直到永远259
Knock into a Cocked Hat--打得稀烂;彻底破坏260
To Become(或to be)Labor of Love--热爱工作261
In the Limelight--引人注目262
Get the Lead out of(One s)Feet or pants--动作迅速263
Lame Duck--即将下台的政界人物263
Lock, Stock and Barrel--全部266
It is Lonely at the Top--高处不胜寒267
Blow the Lid Off--昭示秘密268
Idioms with Lip and Leg --与唇和腿有关的成语269
Live Wire--精力充沛的、活跃的人物270
The Last Straw--导致全面溃败的最后一个因素271
Left Wing--左翼;自由派;激进派272
Pull Someone s Leg--开个小玩笑273
Face the Music--勇敢地面对麻烦或困难;接受处罚274
May-December Marriage--老少配276
I am form Missouri--不轻易相信别人277
A dog in the Manger--自私自利;一毛不拔之人278
Your Name will be Mud--你将要倒霉了280
Give Someone a Piece of Mind--痛快地大骂一通284
Make a Mountain out of a Molehill--小题大做285
Milk the Bull--徒劳无功285
Mother Hen--婆婆妈妈地担心他人遭遇意外的人286
A Man/Woman of Means--富人286
Middle of the Road--中立政策;中间路线;中庸之道287
Pay Through the Nose--付出过高的代价288
Led by the Nose--被牵着鼻子走290
Under your Nose--在你鼻子底下;离你很近291
A Night Bird--过惯夜生活的人292
Hit the Nail on the Head--一针见血292
Follow the Nose--一直走293
Idioms with Nose and Nail --与鼻子和指甲有关的成语294
Brown Nosing--拍马屁295
Have Your Name on it--非你莫属295
Nasty piece of Work--下流坯;讨厌的家伙296
A Hard Nut--冥顽不化的人;无知无觉的人297
A Needle in a Haystack--大海捞针;毫无希望地搜索297
A Nest Egg--为将来需要而储蓄的钱;未雨绸缪298
Feather One s Nest--中饱私囊298
To Grasp the Nettle--面对困难放手一搏299
A Nine-day Wonder--短暂的流行;昙花一现300
To Over-egg the Pudding--夸大其词;过分301
The World s Your Oyster--天下无难事,只怕有心人;有志者事竟成302
A Pandora s Box--潘多拉之盒;灾难、麻烦、祸害的根源303
Play Possum--装病,装死,装傻;蒙人;隐瞒真相303
Out of Pocket--缺席;得不到307
Born in the Purple--生于皇室、贵族之家309
Easy as Pie--非常简单;容易309
A Pawn in the Game--无名小卒;无足轻重的人310
Beyond the Pale--不见容于社会规范310
AS Sick as a Parrot--失望透顶312
The Pecking Order--社会阶层的关系;弱肉强食的顺序313
The Penny Dropped--突然开窍;后知后觉314
In a Pickle--处境困难315
To Pigeonhole--分门别类;搁置不理316
Piggy in the Middle--眼中钉;夹心饼干317
As Plain as a Pikestaff--显而易见;容易了解317
Up the Pole--发狂;陷入困境;进退维谷319
Procrustean Bed--强迫就范;强使一律321
Rain Cats and Dogs--倾盆大雨322
Caught Red-handed--当场被捕324
Give You a Ring--打电话给你325
A Square Peg in a Round Hole--不适合某种职务的人;不适合某种环境的人326
To Take a Rain Check--这次有事,下次必到326
A Red Herring--分散注意力的事物327
Red Tape--繁文缛节;官僚习气328
A Broken Reed--断苇;不可靠的人(或物)329
Ride Roughshod Over Somebody--粗鲁轻视某人;盛气凌人330
Ring the Changes--以不同方式安排某事;以不同说法重述同一件事331
Ring True--考验真实性332
Rob Peter to Pay Paul--挖东墙补西墙332
A Rolling Stone--居无定所;见异思迁的人334
Root for--加油打气;忠实支持334
Know the Ropes--熟悉工作的窍门335
Play Russian Roulette--俄罗斯轮盘赌;玩命336
A Rule of Thumb--经验法则337
Rule the Roost--支配;统治338
Keep Your Shirt on--保持镇静,不要激动339
A t Sixes and Sevens--混乱;没有条理340
Cast Pearls Before Swine--对牛弹琴342
Hang out(One s)Shingle--挂牌营业343
Cry Over Spilled Milk--为打翻的牛奶流泪;做无益的后悔343
Skeleton in His Closet--丑事;隐私344
Sour Grapes--酸葡萄348
Scylla and Charybdis--进退维谷348
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining--黑暗中总有一丝光明349
Sore Loser--输不起的人350
Soul Mate--天生注定的配偶350
Black Sheep--品行不端之人351
Pull the Strings--幕后操纵353
Sweeten the Pot--增加有利条件353
The Cards are Stacked Against You--对你不利354
The Shoe is on the Other Foot--形势已经完全不同了355
A Stuffed Shirt--傲慢、顽固;自以为了不起的人356
Give you the Shirt off His Back--尽力帮助别人的人358
Idioms with Shoulder 、 Stomach and Skin --与肩膀、肚子、皮肤有关的成语359
To Get the Sack--被解雇;丢掉工作;炒鱿鱼;卷铺盖360
To Rub Salt in the Wound--伤口上撒盐361
The Salt of the Earth--世上的盐;社会的中坚362
All Shipshape and Bristol Fashion--干净整齐;井然有序;随时可派上用场363
To Live on a Shoestring--极为拮据的生活;白手起家363
To Show a Leg--起床;赶快活动364
To Give/Get Short Shrift--不理会;置若罔闻365
A Storm in a Teacup--杯中风暴;小题大做;大惊小怪366
All Thumbs--笨手笨脚367
To Talk Turkey--打开窗户说亮话;说实在的371
One s Cup of Tea--正中下怀376
To Tell Someone Off--生气;拒绝377
Have a Turkey on One s Back--喝醉酒或吸毒成瘾378
Cold Turkey--率直地;坦然地378
Borrow Trouble/ Ask for Trouble--自寻苦恼380
Turn Thumbs Down--反对;拒绝381
Idioms with Tongue 、“Thumb”and Toe --与舌头、姆指、脚趾有关的成语381
Tell it to the Marines--别骗我;我才不信383
To Throw in the Sponge--承认失败;认输;死心384
To Steal One s Thunder--窃取别人的方法;先下手为强385
To a T.--恰到好处;正好386
To Toe the Line--严守规则;绝不逾越386
Tom, Dick, and Harry--路人;张三;李四;王五387
Top Drawer--顶尖;上流社会388
To knock On/touch Wood--敲木头以避凶;童言无忌389
To Trip the Light Fantastic--跳舞;舞步轻盈389
To Turn up Trumps--意外顺利;运气好390
Take Umbrage--生气;见怪;感觉不快391
The Ugly Duckling--丑小鸭392
Under One s Wing--在羽翼之下;受呵护照顾392
To Get(One s)Feet Wet--初次经验或开始参与393
Wet Blanket--令人扫兴的人;煞风景者402
Meet One s Waterloo--倒霉;受毁灭性打击;灭顶之灾403
Pull the Wool over One s Eyes--欺骗、蒙蔽404
To Hold Water--站得住脚的404
Work Addict--工作狂405
A Men of His Word--守信的人406
A Wolf in Sheep s Clothing--披了羊皮的狼;伪君子406
To Keep the Wolf from the Door--免于饥饿;避饥寒407
To Pull the Wool over One s Eyes--蒙蔽某人;欺骗某人408
To have a Yen for--很渴望;向往409
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