
大学英语高频词组考点效率手册 1-6级【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

大学英语高频词组考点效率手册 1-6级
  • 南敬实主编 著
  • 出版社: 长春:吉林音像出版社
  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:304页
  • 文件大小:8MB
  • 文件页数:336页
  • 主题词:


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a lot of1

a number of1

a lot1

a serles of2

a trifle2

above all2

add up to3

after all3

ahead of3

all at once4

all but4

ahead of time4

all of a sudden5

all over5

all over again6

all right6

all the same7

all the time7

allow for7

and so forth8

answer for8

anything but9

apart from9

as a result10

as … as10

as a matter of fact10

as a result of11

as a rule11

as far as12

as far as…be concemed12

as follows12

as for13

as good as13

as if13

as long as14

as regards14

as to15

as soon as15

as though15

as usual16

as well16

as well as16

aslde from17

ask after17

ask for17

assert oneself18

at a loss18

at all costs19

at a time19

at all19

at all events20

at all time20

at any rate20

at best21

at first21

at first sight21

at heart22

at home22

at hand22

at full tilt22

at intervals23

at large23

at last24

at least24

at length25

at most25

at no time25

at noce26

at one time26

at premium26

at sb s disposal27

at random27

at present27

at the cost of28

at the mercy of28

at the moment28

at the same time28

at this rate29

at times29

avail (oneself) of30

back and forth30

back down30

back up31

back off31

back of31

be able to32

be about to32

be frlends with33

be made up of33

bear in mind33

because of34

before long34

beslde (the) point34

beyond question35

both... and35

break down36

break away36

break in37

break into37

break off38

break out38

break through39

break up39

bring about40

bring down40

bring forward41

bring... into effect41

bring out42

bring... into operation42

bring up43

build up43

burn out44

burn up44

burst at the seams45

but for45

by accldent45

by air46

by all means46

by and by46

by courtesy of47

by chance47

by hand48

by itself48

by far48

by means of49

by mistake49

by no means50

by oneself50

by reason of51

by the same token51

by the way51

call for52

by virtue of52

by way of52

call off53

call on53

call up53

can not help54

capable of54

care for55

carry conviction55

carry/put …in (to) executlon55

carry on56

carry out56

carry off56

cast light on/upon57

catch fire57

catch one s breath58

catch sb s eye58

catch sight of58

catch up with59

check in59

check out60

cheer up60

clear up61

clear away61

come apart at the seams62

come around62

come into effect63

come into operation63

come off63

come (up) on64

come out64

come through65

come to65

come to grief65

come true66

come up66

come to one s senses66

come up against67

come up to67

come up with67

commend itself to68

compare… to68

count on68

count up69

cover up69

curl up70

cut across70

cut back70

cut in71

cut down71

cut off72

cut out72

cut short73

damn well73

deal in73

deal with73

die down74

die out74

dine out74

do away with75

do one s best75

draw in76

double up76

do without76

draw on77

draw up77

dress up78

drop by/in78

drop off78

drop out79

due to79

dwell on/upon80

each other80

edit out80

enjoy oneself81

either... or ...81

embark on/upon81

even if82

ever so82

every other82

except for83

exclusive of83

face to face84

face up to84

fall beck on84

fall in with85

fall in love with85

fall behind85

fall out86

fall through86

far from86

feel like87

figure out87

fill in88

fill out88

find fault89

find out89

first and foremost89

for example90

flatter oneself90

for ever90

for good91

for instance91

for the better91

for the moment92

for the present92

for the sake of92

for the time being93

foul up93

from time to time93

get across94

fuss over94

gain an advantage over94

get along95

get at96

get away96

get by96

get down97

get down to98

get hold of98

get in98

get off99

get into99

get on100

get onto101

get on with101

get out101

get over102

get rid of102

get the best of102

get the better of103

get through103

get together104

get up104

give back105

give away105

give in106

give off106

give out107

give rise to107

give up107

give vent to108

give way108

give way to108

go after109

go ahead109

go back on110

go along with110

go around110

go by111

go down111

go for112

go in for112

go into113

go into effect113

go into operation113

go off114

go on114

go out114

go over115

go round 见 go around116

go through116

go up116

go without117

go wrong117

grin and bear it118

had better118

had rather… (than) …/would rather… (than)118

hand down119

hand in119

hand on120

hand in hand120

hand out121

hand over121

hang about121

hang on122

hang on to122

hang up122

have an advantage over123

have in mind123

have nothing to do with124

have on124

head for125

have to do with125

have something to do with125

head on126

heap/pour scorn on126

heart and soul126

help oneself126

hold back127

hold in contempt127

hold on127

hold the fort128

hold up128

hold out128

hold onto (hold on to) 见 hang on to128

how about129

hurry up129

if only130

improve on/upon130

in abundance130

in a hurry131

in a moment131

in a sense131

in a way132

in a word132

in accordance with132

in addition to133

in addition133

in advance134

in all134

in any case134

in any event134

in blossom135

in brief135

in case135

in case of136

in charge of136

in chorus136

in consequence137

in collaboration with137

in common137

in consequence of138

in context138

in debt138

in detail139

in difficulty139

in duplicate139

in essence140

in fact140

in favo (u) r of140

in future141

in front of141

in general142

in half142

in hand143

in hono (u) r of143

in itself144

in light of144

in line145

in line with145

in memory of145

in no case146

in no time146

in order to147

in no way147

in order147

in order that148

in other words148

in part149

in particular149

in person150

in place150

in place of150

in practice151

in proportion to (with)151

in question152

in quantity152

in public152

in regard to153

in relation to153

in retum (for)154

in short154

in sight155

in spite of155

in step156

in step with156

in tears156

in the end157

in the distance157

in the course of157

in the event of158

in the face of158

in the first place158

in the future159

in the least159

in the light of160

in the way160

in the world161

in time161

instead of162

in vain162

in turn162

in touch162

just now163

keep an eye on163

keep back164

keep down164

keep in mind164

keep off165

keep on165

keep one s head166

keep one s own counsel166

keep one s word166

keep up167

keep pace (with)167

keep to167

keep up with168

knock down168

knock out169

laugh at169

lay aside170

lay down170

lay off171

lay out171

leave alone172

learn by heart172

lead the way172

leave behind173

leave off173

leave out174

let alone174

let down174

let go (of)175

let off175

let out176

line up176

live through177

live on177

little by little177

live up to178

look after178

look at179

look back179

look down on/upon179

look for180

look forward to180

look in181

look into181

look on181

look over182

look out182

look through183

look up183

lose heart183

lose one s head184

lose one s temper184

lose sight of184

lots of185

make a difference186

make for186

make friends186

make one s way187

make fun of187

make out188

make sense188

make sure189

mak the best of189

make the difference190

make the most of190

make up191

make up for191

make up one s mind192

make use of192

make a/an193

make way193

may as well194

mix up194

more or less194


never mind195

next door196

no doubt196

no less than197

no longer197

no more198

no matter how (what, when 等)198

no more than199

no sooner…than199

none other than200

not only…but200

nothing but201

now and then201

now that201

of course202

of one s own accord202

off duty203

on a large scale203

off and on203

on a small scale204

on account of204

on (the) alert205

on an/the average205

on average205

on behalf of206

on board206

on business207

on condition that207

on cue207

on fire208

on duty208

on earth208

on foot209

on ground209

on hand209

on occaslon (s)210

on one hand210

on one s guard210

on one s own211

on prescription211

on purpose211

on schedule212

on the second thoughts212

on sale212

on the average213

on the contrary213

on the decline213

on the grounds of213

on (the) one hand214

on the other hand214

on the point of215

on the road215

on the side216

on the spot216

on the verge of217

on the threshold of217

on the whole218

on time218

on tow218

once again219

once (and) for all219

once in a while219

once more220

once upon a time220

one another220

or else220

other than221

orient to (toward)221

or so221

out of222

out of breath222

out of context222

out of control223

out of date223

out of doors223

out of order224

out of place224

out of sight225

out of the question225

out of practice225

out of touch226

over and over226

pass away227

pass on227

pave the way for (to)228

pay attention to228

pay back228

pay off229

peel off229

pick out230

pick up230

play a part (in)231

piece together231

point out232

prey on232

prior to232

pull down233

pull in233

pull off234

pull on234

pull out234

pull up235

put/place a (high) premium on235

put aside236

put across236

put away237

put down237

put forward237

put in238

put …into effect239

put …into operation239

put …into practice239

put off240

put on240

put to use241

put out241

put over241

put up242

put up with242

quite a few243

rather than243

reckon as244

reckon on244

reconcile to244

regardless of245

reside in245

refer to … as245

returm a/the compliment246

revolve around246

rig up246

ring up247

run away with247

run down247

run into248

run out (of)248

run over249

run through249

see about250

see off250

scrape through250

see to251

see to it that251

send for251

send in252

send off252

set about252

set apart253

set aside253

set back254

set down254

set off255

set fire to255

set free255

set out256

set up256

settle down257

shake off257

show off257

show up258

shrug off258

side by side258

slow up259

smash down259

slap around259

smash up260

snap out of260

snap up261

snatch up261

so as to261

so far262

so far as…262

so long as262

so that263

sooner or later263

sponge off/on263

stand by264

spring up264

stand for265

stand out265

stand up266

stand up for266

stand up to266

step by step267

step up267

stick to267

stumble across/on268

such as268

switch off269

switch on269

sum up269


take a chance270

take advantage of270

take after271

take apart271

take away271

take care272

take care of272

take charge273

take counsel together273

take captive273

take delight in274

take down274

take effect274

thae...for granted275


take in275

take into account276

take…in (one s) stride276

take off276

take offence277

take on277

take pains278

take over278

take one s time278

take part in279

take place279

take the place of279

take to280

take tums280

take up280

the moment (that)281

the same as281

thanks to281

that is to say282

think better of282

that is282

think of283

think of…as283

think over283

throw light on /upon284

throw away284

throw up284

tick away/by285

tick off285

tick over285

to the point285

try on286

touch on286

toss up286

toss off286

try one s best287

try out287

tuck away287

tuck in288

tuck up288

tumble down288

tumble over289

tumlbe to289

tune in289

turn down289

turn off290

turn in290

turn on291

turn out291

turn over292

turn to292

turn up293

under control293

under the circumstances294

under way294

under canvas294

use up295

up to date295

up to295

wait on296

ward off296

warm up296

wash up297

watch out297

watch out for297

wear off298

wear out298

what if299


what about299

wind up300

wipe out300

with one accord301

with regard to301

with respect to301

with the exception of302

without question302

word for word303

work at303

work out303

would rather…(than)304

write off304
