中国发展研究 国务院发展研究中心研究报告选 '97版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 马洪,刘中一主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国发展出版社
- ISBN:7800872785
- 出版时间:1997
- 标注页数:495页
- 文件大小:19MB
- 文件页数:511页
- 主题词:经济发展
中国发展研究 国务院发展研究中心研究报告选 '97版PDF格式电子书版下载
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全球化背景下发展中国家的工业化 王慧炯2
Coordinated Economic and Social Development2
Wang Huijiong : Industrialization in Developing Countries under the Background of Globalization2
Research Team: The Study of the Strategies of Regional Economic Development Across the Century8
中国跨世纪地区经济发展战略研究 课题组8
关于地区发展水平和地区差距问题的若干分析 李善同 侯永志 林家彬38
Li Shantong,Hou Yongzhi and LinJiabin: Analyses of Regional Development Levels and Regional Disparities38
尽快着手填补地区发展立法的空白 林家彬52
Lin jiabin: Fill the Gaps in Legislation on Regional Development52
引入竞争是改善公共部门服务质量的最有效手段 张军扩 余斌56
Zhang Junkuo and Yu Bin: Introduction of Competition is the Most Effective Way to Improve Public Sector Services56
发展观的演进与发展的测度 李善同 林家彬 马骏61
Li Shantong,Lin Jiabin and Ma Jun: The Evolution of the Development Outlook and the Measurement of Development61
关于开发中国高新技术的政策建议 马洪71
Ma Hong: Policy Proposals for Developing High Technologies in China71
Research Team: Energy Structure and Economic Growth in China74
中国的能源结构与经济增长 课题组74
Chen Huai: The Urgency of Transformingand Revitalizing the Old Industrial Base in Northeast China92
东北老工业基地改造与再振兴的迫切性 陈淮92
发展汽车工业必须加强社会支持系统(总报告) 课题组105
Research team: Strengthen Social Supporting System for Developing Automobile Industry(General Report)105
城镇贫困所反映的体制性问题 葛延风113
Ge Yanfeng: Institutional Problems Reflected in Urban Poverty in China113
Zhao Shukai: Status Quo of and Policy Recommendations for the Employment Management of Floating Population121
流动就业人口的管理现状和政策意见 赵树凯121
对当前经济形势的几点分析 吴敬琏136
Wu Jinglian: Analyses of the Current Economic Situation136
Macro Economic Policies and Management136
Cheng Xiusheng,Hu Ji,Zhang Junkuo and Zhang Hong: Grasp the Three New Trends in the Economic Operations141
把握经济运行的三个新动向 程秀生 胡季 张军扩 张鸿141
Zhang Junkuo: Persist in the Moderately Tightened Macro Control Policy145
坚持适度从紧的宏观调控政策 张军扩145
Mi Jianguo: Thinking on Several Currently Debated Issues151
对当前几个热点问题的思考 米建国151
当前经济结构矛盾分析 程秀生156
Cheng Xiusheng: An Analysis of the Contradictions in the Current Economic Structure156
Mi Jiangue: Vitalizing Fiscal Sector is a Major Strategy for the State Security163
振兴财政是重要的国家安全战略 米建国163
Mi Jianguo and Zhang Chenghua:An Orgamic Comb ination of Fiscal and Monetary Policies is the Essential Condition for Achieving Effective Macro Control169
财政货币政策的有机结合是实现有效调控的必要条件 米建国 张承惠169
有关“经济安全”的几个重要问题 魏加宁175
Wei Jianing: Several Key Issues on Economic Security175
Liu Shijin,Xie Fuzhan, Zhang Junkuo, Zhang Xiaoji and Xie Yang: Strive for Structural Adjustment and Maintain Macro Stability——the Current Macro Economic Situation and Policy Options185
着力结构调整,保持宏观稳定——当前的宏观经济形势与政策选择 刘世锦 谢伏瞻 张军扩 张小济 谢扬185
Research Team: A General Conception of the Reform of Financial System(Main Report)193
金融体制改革总体设想(主报告) 课题组193
为产业升级和优秀企业扩展创造有利的金融环境 刘世锦219
Liu Shijin: Greate Favorable Financial Environment for Industrial Upgrading and Expansion of Well-performed Enterprises219
两次降息对中国经济的影响 张承惠225
Zhang Chenghui: The Impact of the Twice Reduced Interest Rate on the Chinese Economy225
Guo Lihong: Views on Perfecting The Measures on Management of the State-owned Assets231
对完善《国有资产评估管理办法》的几点意见 郭励弘231
Ren Xingzhou: The Development of the Wholesale Market and the Establishment of a Unified Market in China235
中国批发市场的发展与统一市场的建立 任兴洲235
Wei Jianing: The Special Fund for Housing in Japan——Is It a Financial Crisis or an Institutional Crisis246
日本的“住专问题”——是金融危机,还是制度危机 魏加宁246
Enterprise Reform and Development254
对诸城小企业改革的几点看法 吴敬琏254
Wu Jinglian: Views on the Reform of Small Enterprises in Zhucheng City254
Wang Yuan: Should the State-owned Economic Sector Withdraw from the Competitive Industries260
国有经济要不要退出竞争性行业 王元260
如何看待国家控股公司试点可能产生垄断的问题 陈小洪266
Chen Xiaohong: How to Look upon the Possible Monopoly Caused by the Trial Introduction of the State Holding Companies266
Li Kemu: It is not Appropriate to Categorize Enterprises by Size in the Reform of the State-owned Enterprises271
国有企业改革不宜主要按企业规模划分类别 李克穆271
Lu Wei: Establish the Index System of the Intensive Growth of Enterprises Focused on Improving Performance274
建立以效益为中心的企业集约增长指标体系 吕薇274
Chen Xiaohong: The Concept of the Special Corporation Should be Adopted in the Experiment on Holding Companies in Petro-chemical Industry279
石化控股试点宜走“特珠公司”之路 陈小洪279
日本特殊法人制度的介绍及借鉴 陈小洪284
Chen Xiaohong: An Introduction of the Special Juridical Person System in Japan and It s Reference for China284
Gao Guanjiang: The Issue of Foreign Companies Grabbing China s Market and Proposed Countermeasures314
Foreign Economic Relations314
关于“外商抢占中国市场”问题及中国应采取的政策 高冠江314
Xu Donghua: The Serious Consequences of Foreign Companies Controlling China s Dyestuff Industry Through Share Holding Cooperation322
外商采取控股合作手段控制中国染料行业后果严重 徐东华322
Zhang Xiaoji, Zhao Jinping and Cheng Xiaozhou: Suggestions on Introducing Zero Tariff on Export Products326
关于出口实行零税率的建议 张小济 赵晋平 成小洲326
Long Guoqiang: Maintain Vigilance Against the Negative Impact of the Sharp Decline of Import332
警惕进口滑坡的负面影响 隆国强332
中国关税现状的实证分析:水平、结构与关税减免 李善同 翟凡337
Li Shantong and Zhai Fan: A Positive Analysis of the Tariff Situation in china: Level, Structure and Tariff Concession337
TOT:近期内电力工业引进外资的可行之路 郭励弘 冯飞353
Guo Lihong and Feng Fei: TOT—A Feasible Way for Introducing Foreign Investment in Power Industry353
Long Guoqiang: Restrictions Should be Imposed on Foreign Investment Gaining Access to Non-easily-tradable Goods358
对不易贸易品的外资进入应加以限制 隆国强358
Zhao Jinping: China s Management System of International Capital Flow and Relevant Policy Research363
中国的国际资本流动管理制度与政策研究 赵晋平363
Rural Economy398
Wang Yuzhao: Acknowledge the Disadvantages in the Regulation on Limiting the Burden of Farmers Within 5474f the Per Capita Net Income of Farmers on Township Average in Previous Year398
应当正视“农民负担控制在上年以乡为单位农民人均纯收入5%以内”规定所存在的弊端 王郁昭398
Wang xiyu: Some Considerations on the Property Right of Farmland401
农地产权问题若干思考 王西玉401
Liu Shouying: Deepen the Reform, Increase Farmers Income and Promote the Realization of a Better-off Life in Rural China411
深化改革,增加农民收入,促进中国农村小康目标的实现 刘守英411
Cui Chuanyi and Pan Yaoguo: The New Characteristics of the Popularization of Agricultural Technology and Policy Recommendations426
当前农业技术推广的新特点及政策建议 崔传义 潘耀国426
Research Team: Suggestions on the Reform of Farm Insurance System450
关于农业保险体制改革的建议 课题组450
Research Team: Pay Attention to the New Changes in the Supply and Demand Pattern of Agricultural Products455
要注意农产品供需格局的新变化 课题组*455
Research Team: Recommendations on the Construction of Rural Financial System in the Ninth Five Year Plan Period459
关于“九五”期间农村金融体系建设的建议 课题组459
农村外向型经济发展对策 课题组468
Research Team: Policy Considerations on Developing Export-oriented Rural Economy468
The Entrepveneurs Survey System of the Information Center: The Mobility and Professionalism of the Managers of the State-owned Enterprises at Present Stage——A Report on Special Investigation on the Growth and Development of the Chinese En480
现阶段中国企业经营者的职业流动与职业化取向——1996年中国企业家成长与发展专题调查报告 企业家调查系统480
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